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Estigarribia and Takuary (Asuncion). Is Director of the Regional of the ATENEO, the Mg. jungle conception Gallardo Acosta. On the occasion, will be honored two prominent promoters of the Guarani language: Dr. Felix de Guarania and Dr. Hector Lacognata, Foreign Minister, and head of the Guarani project, official language of Mercosur which was recently approved by the Mercosur Parliament (Parlasur). Heta mbo ehara has temimbo onemoaranduva Regional Center-Asuncion-pe ijatyta upe pyhare ogueromandu avo 16 ary has upekuevo omomba eguasuvo mokoive tapicha katupyry rembiapo ne Guarani nane umi rayhupape.

INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF TERMINOLOGY FOR THE LANGUAGES OF MERCOSUR, SAN LORENZO, PARAGUAY, 22 June 26, 2009 La Union Latina, jointly organized with the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University of Asuncion and the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI, the international seminar of terminology for the languages of Mercosur. This seminar, which will take place in San Lorenzo, Paraguay, from 22 to 26 June 2009, is performed at the precise moment in which the Mercosur Parliament submitted to approval before the Council of the common market (CMC) el which meet in Asuncion in July proximo the use of the Guarani language as an official language of Mercosur. The opening ceremony of the seminar and the scientific journey on specialized languages that will follow must be carried out with the support of the Congress and in the framework of the various activities organized on the occasion of the appointment of Asuncion as American Capital of culture 2009. Admission to this event is free and will be conducted in the Bicameral Chamber of the Legislative Palace the day Monday 22 from 9: 00. The seminar, which begin the 22 Monday afternoon and that will take place at the headquarters of the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University of Asuncion, is regional in scope and has been designed with the aim of offering participants a basic training in terminology, promote the elaboration of specialized lexicons multilingual castellano-guarani – Portuguese and facilitate the creation of a permanent Chair of terminology in Paraguay.

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