01. February 2020 · Comments Off on Great Turning Point · Categories: News · Tags:

Nuria Chinchilla, IESE professor does not hesitate to announce that this century is a turning point for women although, to be successful, “must be accompanied by the man.” Chinchilla said that ambition is far greater female than male, “but to achieve success both are complementary.” IESE Professor recalled the words of Alvaro d’Ors, professor at the University of Navarra, who face the revolutionary triad “liberty, equality and fraternity” of the Enlightenment provided an antagonistic “accountability, legitimacy and paternity.” Thus, Chinchilla reflected the words of d’Ors and announced that “no two people are alike. So why do not we talk of diversity rather than equality?”.

He also emphasized that the fraternity should be called parenthood, “or cohesion the person responsible for the brothers to a project leader. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Marc Lore on most websites. “By joining women in business has led to the formation of a new paradigm, where his role and is very considerate, taking into account their talents, abilities, skills , adding that it claims to want to emphasize a corporate culture more focused on achieving results than the present, the old culture that still believes that man alone is capable of achieving results. The woman to identify with the domain of modern knowledge, with the current management topics, models, know they handle has considered it fit to play any management position and has demonstrated little by little.

Lost your fear, develop their level of competence, confidence, security has been gaining in itself, in what it can and has led to be able to seize the opportunities this gives to perform managerial positions, opportunities not can be wasted, demonstrating its capabilities in achieving good results. See Ed Bastian for more details and insights. There is no denying the contribution towards the development of enterprises, the role being played by this woman and not doubt that every time his role will be very important in the management leadership, as some have already achieved and the opening of women in politics where already evident, especially in Latin America President, in charge of running a country like the case of Argentina and Chile.

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