16. May 2013 · Comments Off on Help Children Deal · Categories: News

According to lawyers, psychologists, educators and other professionals who are dedicated to addressing the difficulties of divorce in the world, the former spouses of several countries demonstrate its readiness to attenuate the difficulties for children due to his divorce. A relevant fact in this aspect is that, according to the book between two worlds: the lives of children of divorce, Elizabeth Marquardt, Interior even in friendly divorces, children suffer more isolation and feelings of being divided between two families. However, there are those who do not agree with this assertion and say that it would also be more appropriate to make a comparison of: how would things for the children of a divorce if their parents had not been married. Despite this, the author of the book think that parents with moderate conflict (without violence, insults, etc.) should go ahead. When the parents get married, your task is first to cope with conflicts.

When parents get divorced, becomes the work of their children give meaning to the two worlds, adds. Techniques so that the children overcome divorce strategies to help children overcome divorce include interactive Web sites where parents communicate among themselves and discuss through written messages. One of the pages is OurFamilyWizard.com, created in 2001 and serves to discuss scheduling and costs of education of children, for example. It includes features that allow you to apply for exchanges of days with children and maintain a log of expenditure. This site is used by more than four thousand parents, with up to 150 new accounts each month, according to its creator Paul Voler.

Another strategy are classes taught by Jayne A. Major, at Los Angeles parent educator and who receives people sent by the family court. Major teaches the program of innovative offspring, that teaches couples separated or divorced to minimize their conflicts. Husbands and wives often attend different sessions, in which highlight unpleasant aspects that arise within the marital discord.

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