14. September 2014 · Comments Off on Infantile Education · Categories: News · Tags:

Between the four and twelve months, many times if extending for a bigger period, the child uses chupeta (peak), if grasps to a diaper or the one piece of blanket or still to one bichinho of pelcia or cloth, puts the fingers in the mouth, produces sounds and if it becomes attached strong to these objects. They remember Zavaschi, Brunstein and Costa (2001), that Winnicott (1983) called such transicionais facts of phenomena or objects. They would be forms of defense against the anxiety of separation of the mother or against the depressive ansiedades. Such objects, sounds or sensations represent the mother, lived deeply object as good, which the child if becomes attached intensely. The child will have the impression of that she protects it to the object, if moves, it of the heat, possessing more qualities of what these objects really have.

That is, these objects possess the qualities of its mother, of care and protection. Approximately around the thirty and six months of age, the baby already inside possesss of itself the base for its future relationships. The symbolic capacity of the child, in full outcrop, still needs the parental look, but now, of intense form. The language determines a great change in this aspect of the emotional life, since it provides to the children a new way of expression of its feelings, contributing for a sensible reduction of the open expressions of clera and of I cry. (COLL, 2004) the PROCESS OF ADAPTATION To the SCHOOL OF INFANTILE EDUCATION Exactly that the mother has that to divide its ' ' function materna' ' about other people, it is worried about the cares physical, affective and desenvolvimental of its children. When entering the school, the child, mainly when if she deals with child of little age and that she enters the Infantile Education, finds a new world, with very different environment and people of those where she was accustomed to be: classroom, teachers, other children, shouts, choros, collective disputes of toys, snacks.

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