The previous author speaks despite to enter itself in the cold water can generate one I stimulate of great corporeal desiquilbrio, come to have the same consequncias in the excessively hot water, therefore the necessary organism of certain time to adapt the definitive temperatures, in case that I oppose it enters in estresse.JUNIOR and DUNDER, (2002) he also standes out that the physical effort also generates disequilibrium of the body, in sight of this fact also will need a little of time so that the balance comes back again. Consequentemente, to swim can generate reactions in the corporal structure and this necessary structure of time to adapt itself to the way where this, in accordance with the thought it author can be inserted diverse tricks in the phase of adaptation of the child to the way I eliminate. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Doug McMillon. One of the first tricks that we can insert soon in the first lesson of the child he is ' ' Mgica' rain; ' , where the professor uses of a simple watering can of garden, and he makes rain in proper itself ahead and demonstrating to the pupil naturalness the water falling in its head and not transmitting fear some it, then later the professor he makes rain on of the pupil and observes the reaction that it goes to have the water ahead. If in case that it rejects the water and he does not like the trick, it will be a signal that it still has a little of fear of the water, and will fit to the professor to make a diversified work, talking with the parents so that at the moment of the bath of the child it can have a bigger contact with the water falling in its head, in this way goes to facilitate the work of the professor.6.2Adaptao and Initiation of the AprendizagemNa age of two the three years the form that more it is used in the adaptation of swimming is by means of the individual tricks and in group, that is, in playful way where the child does not perceive that the majority of the corporal movements that this making is of swimming and with this if he becomes more easy learning of the same one.