In recent years, so are actively discussing the issue of energy saving, paying much attention to the variety of its components that are often behind the pine trees lose sight of the actual forest. So, in response to criticisms situation of heat supply in winters 2003 and 2005 recommendations were to focus on local sources of heat, repair heating systems, meters. This is nothing but a shabby coat patching holes heating. K Unfortunately, the solutions lie not so much technical as institutional and socio-economic dimensions. For even more opinions, read materials from Michael J. Bender. A sincere desire to help make simple decisions “as better” results in “as always”. Read additional details here: Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. Any effective mechanism is complex, it seamlessly interact with economic, financial, organizational, informational and technical elements. Neglecting even one of them or their joints leads to inoperability of the mechanism.
To run these mechanisms need to understand the mechanics of a huge number of interactions of their components. It seems reasonable at a new stage of the implementation global task to go back to its comprehensive review in order to have the experience of mistakes out on the right path. Registration and check-in and release of heat energy consumption is organized to: monitor thermal and hydraulic regimes of heat supply and heat consumption, control over the rational use of heat and coolant fluid documenting parameters: mass (volume) temperature and pressure of mutual financial settlements between the supplying organizations and consumers of heat energy, implementation of resource activities. Custody of water and heat Energy creates the conditions for harmonious relations between suppliers and customers for efficient use of energy for energy efficiency. The problem of commercial accounting of heat and water conditions limited funding and a large number of participating businesses is not limited to the installation of meters, but requires a complex of interrelated organizational and technical events: 1) develop a strategic program of energy saving, part of which is an organization of commercial accounting, 2) development of financial schemes that can attract funds from investors to creation of accounting systems, and 3) conducting energy audits of sources of thermal energy, heating systems, consumers in residential districts or municipalities, under which concludes that efficiency of production, transportation and consumption of water and heat, developed activities aimed at improving the efficiency, calculated the expected economic impact, and 4) establishing a system Control heat, allowing to obtain maximum economic benefit from energy efficiency measures (technical basis – a system of automated control, accounting and management), 5) development regulations that will ensure a balance of interests of suppliers and consumers, and 6) choice of measurement criteria for an optimal balance of types of devices and tasks; 7) creation of infrastructure for measuring and recording systems, 8) carrying on the sources, networks and consumers the necessary measures to enable the introduction of measuring instruments; 9) design, installation, commissioning, metering of water and heat, 10) organizations accounting systems (scheduling). The implementation of this package of measures is impossible without the coordinated work of the executive and legislative branches, Energy, instrument makers, public utilities and consumers.