08. April 2020 · Comments Off on Mock Fight Against Doping · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Prior to joining the 1980 to the leadership of the IOC HA Samaranch, the fight against doping in Olympic sport has been conducted, but was not wearing a principled and systematic. Samaranch among the main priorities of its activities identified and the fight against doping in Olympic sports. The main activities of the IOC in the fight against doping has identified the following: to strengthen the resources to create a highly efficient system doping control; conducting extensive research aimed at developing informative methods of doping control; coordination of the IOC, NOCs, IFs and NSF in the fight against doping; improved control system for doping, encompassing not only the process of responsible competition, but also a training period; develop a system of sanctions against the athletes applying dope, and as individuals, tend to their use of it – coaches, doctors, managers, and others; public education activities among athletes, coaches, doctors and sports officials, aimed at the prevention of doping, covering a wide range of ethical, social and health problems. The active position of the IOC in the 80s of XX century. was widely supported by the international sporting community. There have been cases when the struggle for the purity of sport placed above the interests of sport.

American swimmer Meyer won three gold medals at the U.S. Championship qualifiers before the Games the Olympic Games in Seoul, but during testing it has found traces of steroids and the athlete was disqualified. This case was leaked all over the world, reflecting concern for the purity of the federation's reputation of its athletes. Similar examples can be drawn from experience Weightlifting Federation of Canada and Sweden. His attitude to the problem of doping has clearly shown and the leadership of sports, when in the mid-80's two Soviet weightlifter in Canada have been caught red-handed and accused of distributing doping. .

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