The professors of Physical Education are constantly if coming across with the necessity of if bringing up to date regarding one or another esportiva modality. To each day that passes becomes clearer the necessity of the human being for the accomplishment of this practical, therefore, the same one is a temple of health, leisure and education. Perhaps he is extraordinary a half one of expression that discloses, for opposition, the limits of each one, and supplies basic necessities of the human being, either is the explanation phenomenon to be perpetual in the time and the space. The trainer must above all be an educator, a formador of people. To obtain itself to form a good player, it is necessary to have the athlete before, and it they have that to have conscience of its obligations and rights, therefore we do not know where area of the sport the same goes to dedicate itself, and going more far as we will know which pupil will become a professional athlete? what it will make its career after to finish? It is for these reasons that we must forms the person before everything, therefore if not to make right who will be distinguished in the esportivo world, will make right in a formation: the man. This relationship between professor-pupil or athlete-trainer is one of the points most important in the process of formation of the individual, and the professor becomes example for its pupils, therefore if you will have bad habits or vices will be stirring up the pupils to carry through the same ones, therefore, sociabilizao, emotional and moral balance, loyalty, sincerity, team spirit, search for the overcoming, are all concepts that must be infused in the young. The relations between the players also must be worked, therefore if the same ones to grow in collective will develop better more and for the world. .