The Christian conversion demands change of behavior and attitudes, therefore only thus, we could be lined up the Christ, and, with this, to inherit the Perpetual Salvation. In case that contrary, those people who are ' ' playing of crente' ' , that is, nobody chooses the day to go the Church to adore the Christ (therefore church not saved), but in another one, they come back to reverenciar the Satan: ' ' We know that we are of God and that the whole world is in maligno' ' (1 Jo 5,19), they will suffer a terrible sentence on the part from God, as it tells the Parabola of the Two Servants, registered in Mateus 24,45-51, where it is distinguished verses 50,51: TM 24,50, 51: …, will come you of that servant in one day where it does not wait and to the hour where it does not know; will separate it, and will destine its part with the hypocritical ones; there it will have pranto and to creak of teeth. Therefore, loved brothers, he is imperious to present Jesus Christ and its Genuine Word to this people, fulfilling one of its bigger orders: ' ' said to them: IDE for the whole world, you nail the Evangelho to all creature. Learn more about this with Frank Ntilikina. Who to believe and will be baptized will be saved; but who not to believe will be condenado' ' (Landmarks 16,15, 16). It is of its entire will that all are safe (converted), independently of social classroom, race, sex, color etc. Is necessary to present the Evangelho de Christ of true form they, who knows thus, we consiguimos to save some. EDUARDO VERONESE DA SILVA Minister of the Assembly of God? Cariacica/ES Professor of the IBADEP and the EBD Full Licenciatura in Physical Education – UFES Bachelor in law? FABAVI/ES Specialist in Military law? UCB/RJ