If in the first republic the Physical Education is tied with a movement of regeneration of the Brazilian, has a posterior period that the Physical Education passes to be seen as synonymous of efficiency, entering in this moment the sport as content in the place of the gymnastics. In the military period we have the atrelada Physical Education to the income sport, where the technique was the base of lessons. Some intellectuals, still in this period, at its final moments, put into motion themselves in the direction to question the type of Physical Education that is in the School, being shown that at this moment some conceptions appear theoretician-metodolgicas that go to think the formation of the pupil about the lessons of Physical Education. To know more about this subject visit Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. The education of the atletismo cannot run away from the objectives of the current metodolgicas conceptions for the education of the Physical Education in the school. She is necessary to treat the white public with responsibility and to give to them necessary formation to it for the development of the learning and the improvement of the relation between the tripod professor-pupil-school. The game at this moment is seen as ideal tool in the reinforcement of the ideals. Clapard emphasizes this when affirming that: …
the bedding of the game is not in the exterior form of the behavior, that can completely be equal in such a way if it plays, how much if it is not played; it is this yes, in the internal attitude of the citizen ahead of the reality. Therefore, the education of the content atletismo does not have to be concentrated in few modalities to the way that happens in many educational establishments, only prioritizing races and jumps. By the way, in many schools, the atletismo still is developed with the classic objective of sobrepujar the adversary, through metodolgicos procedures that they aim at to the income, being to the edge of the creativity, the construction of new forms of movement and of the insertion of the same ones in the pedagogical context of the other sports.