16. July 2020 · Comments Off on Spanish League · Categories: News · Tags:

It is not necessary to succeed as football coach having previously been a prominent or simply amateur footballer and we have many examples fortunately coaches who did not pass juvenile category in its time of players, are like today today quoted technicians from first division in the Spanish League and even in other countries. However what if it is important, I would say essential, is that to be coach should be before athlete in every sense of the word and when I refer to athlete, I’m not talking about within the professional field, it is worth being a normal fan, who like doing sport, practicing something exercise and ultimately be a person who is kept minimally shaped and in a State of healthy lifestyle. Some contend that gymnast shows great expertise in this. This article is specially aimed at the young coaches, for technical novices starting his soccer activity on the bench of any categories of base team and want to remind all them the important thing is to give example to his players, children and adolescents who seek many times in his coach a mirror in which look especially on certain issues on a personal level both in attitudes and sports habits that tend to imitate. If a coach is young, it is logical that his physical appearance and his State of form are correct in relation to his age, unless the person in question has constraints of various kinds to limit their ability to move, disease, injury, or any other problem that prevents you from as a practitioner perform sports activities or any type of physical exercise, that does not mean that this disable them completely to exercise as coaches or technicians in different sporting discipline. Here we would refer especially to those people who are perfectly healthy and have no physical impairment, that want to be coaches or already practising as such and that being young does not care for his condition and physical appearance when in this paragraph should be an example for players who run. .

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