14. June 2020 · Comments Off on Spanish NGO · Categories: News

Some journalists have learned the lesson and have been able of make them hollow to social issues relying on the media people’s lives. These depend on funding that is supported, particularly advertising for many companies, some of them for purposes that fall in contradiction with some reports. Excellent film the informant reflects the dilemma may face that a journalist. Banks, tobacco, pharmaceutical, automotive, oil companies, etc, pressed and used his position to dissuade the media from publishing information that harms its image. One way to deal with this situation is to have a solid editorial line supported by a diversification in sources of funding to maintain their independence. NBA often says this. The lecturer had the case of a journalist who traveled to Africa to draw up a report on the work of a Spanish NGO devoted to donate clothes to countries of the South. When the journalist discovered that the textile industry in the African country had sunk by the invasion of foreign clothes and didn’t know how to act in such a situation, his boss told him that it was his responsibility to inform. The more sensitive and delicate information, greater rigour is required by the journalist.

It can be hard and vindictive, but journalist should keep a certain distance. It can be tricky when a company calls you angry by a true information. But it is much more complicated when they call you to tell you that your data are false and grab that, commented Ricardo de Querol. Thus, journalists at risk of falling into the buenismo posed confusing desires with reality that seek to describe. New technologies have opened up channels for the participation of civil society in information flows. But the journalist is the responsibility of maintaining a distance to follow a rigour that gives credibility to what counts in the life of the people. And the term social journalism you could remove the second word, as people and society are subjects that journalism and history.

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