18. July 2020 · Comments Off on Special Education · Categories: News · Tags:

Relative the scientific production to the area of High Abilities/Superdotao (AH/SD) still is sufficient incipient in the Brazilian context, even so the precursors of the area have searched and divulged its works from the decade of 1920-1930. You may find sports apparel to be a useful source of information. It has some reasons that can be evicted to this fact, amongst them the popular myths and beliefs the respect, that not rare hinders the same identification and the attendance to these people; the lack of information, financial resources for the Education and, consequently, the Special Education and the formation of the professors, who if feel incapable to identify and/or to take care of to these pupils and the lack of trustworth official statisticians in this area. (PEREZ; FREITAS, s/d, P. 01) As in he says the citation above to them, still he lacks very for an adequate attendance of the superendowed one taking in account the preparation and the information that still is scarce in the educational way. Conflicting aspects For being the school the field of discoveries of these true talentos is for there that we will start to observe the vulnerable points cited the top.

Generally, the support given to deficient pupils and to its parents are bigger of what the given assistance the superendowed family of one. The difference is clear, the deficiency most of the time leaves external marks and signals, evidentes to that they see while the superendowed one possesss internal challenges. No physical or intellectual aid is necessary, however it is necessary special care, attention and psychological accompaniment. In many schools it does not have necessary accompaniment, does not have rooms special, the resume is static and the same for all, what many times result in the alienation, it disinterests and fidget on the part of the pupil who is in a school that does not attend it adequately and it provides an inadequate environment to it for the development of its potentialities.

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