When a large part of the market resources are equally available to most participants of market relations, the critical factor of competitive advantage is the ability – the most efficient way to unite and combine the external and internal resources, achieving the highest efficiency of business systems. All of these tasks lies in the application of “systems theory”. Hence, the term “systemic administration” has rightly become synonymous with the term “effective management. To eliminate the ambiguity in the terms, we give some basic definitions: System management – are the principles, methods and technology management decisions, taking into account the diversity of relationships and interdependencies between the elements in their interaction. Key elements of systems management is systems thinking, systemic vision, system modeling. Systems thinking – this argument categories of relationships and integration in a variety of links of some of interrelated and interdependent elements, processes and phenomena – with others.
Systemic vision – a philosophy and perception of technology within the system elements as a single and indivisible whole, integrated through a set of interdependent relationships to other elements and processes of the system. System modeling – a special technology description, analysis, decision-making in association with systemic thinking. Systems Thinking – infrequently occurring phenomenon. People who have them – were legendary personalities who have left because of it mark on the history of mankind (Solomon, Alexander of Macedon, Suvorov, Peter the Great, Lomonosov, etc.), astonished his contemporaries the ability to make adequate decisions. Systems thinking becomes subject in connection with technology solutions specific problems in specific industries that are implemented in the concept of systemic use. Andy Kaufman understands that this is vital information. In the “systems theory” are the answers to all the major issues of activity, including – business: – Why do some business systems more effective than others? – Why some achieve success, while others – suffer defeat? – How to ensure the best handling, stability and efficiency of business systems? – What do I do this or that situation? As the most effective way to solve that, or any other business problem? While out of this theory, the answers are not available, incomplete, sparse, unsystematic and inconsistent.
Therefore, forward-thinking managers have long expressed heightened interest in the “Systems Management”, short-sighted, as always, hoping to “maybe”, “case”, “good luck”. Investigation of the current state of “systems theory” as applied science and academic discipline, has identified five prerequisites for the development of trainees’ Systems Management: 1. The presence of extensive teaching experience and comprehensive theoretical knowledge on all matters subject area. 2. The presence of the teacher in-depth knowledge of systems theory at the level of an expert or a developer in separate directions in this subject area, such as managerial decision-making based on systems theory. ” 3. The presence of the teacher system thinking, systemic vision. 4. Application in the teaching of special techniques of effective learning. 5. The presence of students striving to master the knowledge of “systems theory”. “Systems Theory” is the main component of training programs in business, “Administration”, conducted by the author. All of the above conditions, except for paragraph “5” – are provided. Managerial competence and systems thinking – a valuable resource for anyone employed, as in management and in any other field, because “management” among others, examines the issues of great interest to anyone: the principles and technology of effective organization of work planning, forecasting, control, business communication, systems thinking, managing people, groups, labor, human psychology, logic, and many other issues.