04. July 2020 · Comments Off on Experienced Pharmacists · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Picture book shows playful service diversity of local pharmacies on the competition from Internet service providers is growing continuously. You argue with your strengths”, advises the PR and marketing expert Dr. Karin Uphoff. For many people, a visit to a pharmacy is more than the pure, drug procurement ‘. The personal contact, the many small and large services are irreplaceable.”Nina in the pharmacy, which uses new release from the House of uphoff pr & marketing, on precisely these issues.

Pharmacies can distribute the children’s book in the Pocket format with individual logo to their large and small customers. Gain insight and clarity with olympics. Nina is curious. Nina is unconcerned. Nina is straight forward. How children are like that to the six years.

Therefore she would also necessarily accompany her father in the pharmacy. She asks the staff, and holes in the belly and receives answers that are exciting and informative even for adults. There are certain services, which does not get online, man,'”says Dr. Karin Uphoff, Managing Director of uphoff pr & marketing. “With their new release in the Nina series on health topics, the Erfolgsunternehmerin and 6 x mother wants to break a lance for the pharmacist’s profession: who would like to insist on the market long term, must through quality and service distinguish themselves from the competition”, .sagt the EU corporate Ambassador Uphoff. Their PR and marketing agency specializes in the care of clients in the health care sector. Four years ago, Dr. Karin Uphoff has the children’s book series Nina”launched, to health care professionals and-handwerke more in the public eye. With Nina”she is also an original marketing tool at hand, with which this can in turn points in their large and small clients/patients the own customers. The ability to let the outside cover with individual logo and contact information provided is particularly appealing at the Nina booklet. Who see a pdf of the booklet or Nina in the pharmacy”for his customers want to order, can do this directly through uphoff pr & marketing (www.uphoff-pr-marketing.de) with discounts for large orders.

28. June 2020 · Comments Off on Press Office · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Business start-ups in the region Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg press and public relations are the focus of the text bar in the people Bergstrasse 1 in Tuttlingen, Germany. The services range from creating a product message about the function of external Press Office through to the comprehensive PR advice. Owner Anika Luz is known in the region Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg for quite some time as a freelance journalist for the business press, and others. The diploma in business management (BA), where the shoe pinches marketing – and PR managers in small and medium-sized companies know from her professional past as a marketing manager and press officer. With the text “Stube” offers this now budget support in the marketing of their products. Ecommerce may help you with your research. Company profile: The text is an agency for press and public relations. In addition to creating journalistic texts and acting as external Press Office offers PR consulting. It helps in determining topic and developed cross-media action plans.

So the customer will receive greater attention in the Public and professional audiences. The text bar by incoming texts gives profile also corporate publications such as brochures, advertising brochures, mailings and websites. In short: the text bar helps you to insert your words effectively – to achieve your goals faster. Text exchange – words on the point brought.

01. June 2020 · Comments Off on 150 Days Till Kickoff · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Logo of the FIFA Women’s World Cup to awaken anticipation Stuttgart, the 27th January 2011 the countdown has begun: in just 150 days the opening game of the FIFA will be kicked off in Berlin women’s World Cup 2011. On June 26 the footballers from Germany and Canada facing in Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. “To the atmosphere of the summer fairy tale” to connect in 2006, and to awaken anticipation for the games of the women’s World Cup, the Organizer on the various venues and also nationwide begin to point out on the summer spectacle increasingly in public. Plays an important role in this by the Stuttgart advertising agency wvp designed official FIFA logo under the motto ‘Arena Germany’. The wvp GmbH was the German Football Association already in 2007 when the application for the supplement to the FIFA 2011 supports women world championships by the team of Stuttgart had the application logo for the DFB creative in addition to the complete application performance. After the Germany awarded the World Cup had received, it was again the advertising pros wvp, whose ideen best arrived for the logo in the FIFA.

After the winning bid with the logo designed by us the FIFA together with the DFB decided in 2008 for our proposal for the official FIFA World Cup logo”, reported the title ‘Arena Germany’ Claus Vogt Managing Director of wvp Ltd. logo, and to joy, dynamism and elegance expressing the enormous development of women’s football, as well as its strengths. Very practical, it has also the task to ensure the optical recognition value of the tournament. And this already as early as possible in advance of the event.” The logo ‘Arena Germany’ is increasingly presented in public in the coming weeks at an early stage to agree the fans to the event. This logo, accompanied by the slogan ‘Goodbye friends’ on posters, banners, among others, will be to see T-Shirts and several advertising materials. The official partner It may use national sponsors and authorized licensee exclusively for their marketing activities.

Immediately before the tournament ‘Arena Germany’ in different variations at airports and train stations as well as many other prominent points in the performance venues will welcome the guests from all over the world. For Steffi Jones, President of the Organizing Committee of the World Cup 2011, upbeat logo of the Stuttgart-based agency is also an important link between the organizers and the audience: it is a logo full of energy with its strong significance. I hope, that the great mood, which is our organizing Committee with sold out stadiums to the target, sloshing in huge waves from the stage out and makes Germany an enthusiastic arena”. The optical characters in the form of the logo ‘Arena Germany’ has already used the Stuttgart advertising agency.

10. March 2014 · Comments Off on Education Institute Logos · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Everything that is logical, reasonable and sensible makes sense which so holds true for several corporate identities rolling in the business market. Everything that is logical, reasonable and sensible makes sense which so holds true for several corporate identities rolling in the business market. If it did not make sense, they would not have tried their hands in creating the brand mark for their companies. In other words, the universal adaptation of these corporate identities is a powerful proof of its need and importance. Let me tell you some historical facts to further clear your line of perception…

Does it make sense from the very day of its inception; logo history dates back to the ancient era of the Babylonian, Assyrian, Mayan, Chinese and Egyptian who used pictograph as a mean to convey a particular message. This era can be considered as a gradual evolution of the preponderant corporate identities which are now not bounded to businesses or companies but educational Institute as well. Today, we can see a heap of department of education logo design all around US which consists of all the relevant objects that adheres to the general principles of education. To incorporate general symbols like a book, a student etc search has become the rule of thumb for designing brand identities mark. But the question here is that they differentiate one from another learning institute do? Its much obvious that if you want to come up with the same thing again and again, it will not help you by any means. Its good to use a book in your institute brand mark but if every learning institute would adopt the same idea then how it will suppose to work for you.

To be frank with, it would not! Let me twist this idiom is a bit now, sow the seeds that can be reaped. See, how much it suits the designing process of educational brand marks. Unless this thing is unique, there is no. way that you can reap the rewards, so make sure you have come up with something that will imprint the overall image and message of your learning institute in the minds of the vignette. To make it look unique, you can use the globe to show that we offer international level of education. Instead of using pen which has been used by several graphic designer, you can make to the effective use of ink pots, feathers and blots to depict the years and years of your education institute is providing to the world. Graduation caps would be a bit different idea that can be used for the universities. Place a globe in hands to show the level of education you provide to your students. So, if you still want to use a book in your brand mark then you can mate a student reading a book while sitting on the globe. Those were some rough ideas to help you get a perfect recognition device for your school, college, university or whatever learning institute you are running. In short, it make sense to get education logos for your institute does only and only if. The brand mark is unique, enthralling and interesting enough to grab the attention of the vignette in the first glance!