25. June 2021 · Comments Off on Naming A Business · Categories: News · Tags:

Since we have already commented in some occasion, the name of your company is one of the most important elements of your business. He is directly tie to your mark and must become your better business card. If you want that your name is excellent and that produces the effect that you look for in your clients, you must know what there is to consider so that the final result is the wished one. Next you can see a simple process of 4 steps that can ayudarte at the time of creating the name of the business of your dreams: 1. – It defines the Premises: first of all, you must remember very all the things that can influence when you decide to create your name. It aims in a paper which is really important: 1.a.

– Ten in account the people to whom you go and that forms your market: who are, how they are, what looks for, what type of language uses, etc. 1.b. – It remembers at any moment what is what beams and what products or services you sell your clients. 1.c. – It thinks about your style, in how beams the things and as you position yourself against the competition (because you are different). Your personality is a factor that must be present in the relation with your clients. 2.

– A Brainstorming Realises: ponte hands to the work and you do brainstorming (storm of ideas) with a group of employees or friendly. You do not put any restriction. Simply, lnzate and points so many names as your imagination is able to generate. It deepens in less pretends, explores any route that leaves the conventional thing. You are not scared, of the strangest contributions usually they leave the best results. 3. – It evaluates the results: now, it is the moment for taking all the names that you have been able to suggest and to pass them through a series of filters with the purpose of to go quedndote with which they fit better in your objectives.

12. September 2018 · Comments Off on Dietmar Muller Howard Street · Categories: News · Tags: ,

The model of buyer financing can be a solution in M & A deals with problems in the payment of the purchase price. Udo Goetz, CEO of axanta AG, is dedicated to this financing alternative in a guest article for the online edition of the FINANCE magazine. In business transactions, not a few successor encounter problems when it comes to the payment of the purchase price. The increasingly stringent requirements of the lending banks are a main reason for this. A buyer financing, a deal can be used successfully across the stage. In his article for FINANCE, Udo Goetz explains the financing model and explains how it can be a solution for business transfers.

To define of the buyer financing, the axanta AG provides information under available. The axanta AG about the benefits vonKauferfinanzierungen usually the purchase price when a business transaction is about Bank capital or equity of the purchaser’s finances. Buyer financing means that also the seller will bring. While he accepted the payment of the purchase price over as installments from ongoing corporate earnings or payments, which depend on the success and specific indicators are covered not by the banks or equity. As part of the purchase money as retirement may be paid especially for smaller companies, this variant is eligible. axanta-AG explained Board member Udo Goetz in his guest post the decisive advantages of buyer financing. The pluses include various tax benefits as well as the strengthening of confidence in the buyer. However, The German Mittelstand is hesitant when it comes to this type of financing.

Because the average medium-sized companies more traditional entrepreneurial values, Udo Goetz believed a certain risk-averse behind this reticence. The axanta AG Management Board however pointed out that sales deals due to Financing issues are much riskier. The risk that there is no agreement regarding the sale price is also high. The article by Udo Goetz is available at… available. Caption: Udo Goetz, Board axanta AG about the 2006 founded axanta AG belongs to the axanta AG in Germany the market leader among the independent consulting companies in the M & A business. Her focus is on consulting and support small and medium-sized companies in the purchase and sale of companies, succession and quiet and active participations. In the focus are small and medium-sized companies of all sectors of the economy, which across comprehensive support the axanta AG through all phases. In addition to the headquarters in Oldenburg, Germany, the company operates branch offices in Berlin, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt am Main. As one of the first companies in the M & A industry, the axanta AG has been certified according to ISO 9001 by TuV Nord.

05. September 2018 · Comments Off on Michael Oehme: Often Still Not Win · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

Who currently takes up loans to buy a house or an apartment, comes as cheap money like never before. St. Gallen, 17.10.2013. The world has seen where that can lead. Monetary expansion of by central banks does not cause inflation, which only makes itself felt in a row by rising prices already the inflation which is monetary expansion. The money will be devalued by printing always new. This in turn weakens the people’s confidence in the currency.

They will spend their euros because they fear their bills could be worth it soon less. The money will flow into the markets and pushing up prices at the height. If then still borrowing we are in the midst of a largely uncontrolled inflation. The irrational exuberance is clearly evident: Dax and Dow Jones climbed to new highs, the indexes marked even the highest level in its history and are thus in the fast lane. According to the “Handelsblatt”, the analysts have their earnings Outlook for 22 of the 30 companies in the last quarter in the Leading index decreased.

Still be the prices through the roof. But it seems the stock markets to go splendidly. This fact can be attributed only to one: the financial markets by central banks worldwide doping. Contrary to all expectations, the Fed wants to without stifling its monetary policy, but continue monthly pumps 85 billion US dollars in bonds and real estate papers, to stimulate the U.S. economy. What is reason for some people to the joy, drives savers, however, worry lines on the face. They are the clear losers of this development. Thanks to low interest rates, which prescribe the banks with the flood of money the monetary authorities, their assets decreased continuously. If you look at the General level of interest rates, the savings of many people are already eaten by inflation. This in turn could lead to significant gaps in retirement. The workers, savers and pensioners, which financial assets, insurance benefits and pensions will be inflated away among the losers so. The Alliance has to do this recently a frightening number is calculated: the low interest rate policy of the ECB cost savers alone in the year 2012 5.8 billion in the balance. The clear winner, however, are the investment banks, which get their money at no cost. The monetary authorities will not put aside so its plan to stimulate the economy with the music press, foreseeable. Until further notice, the savers thus stuck in the case of interest. For more information,

30. November 2016 · Comments Off on Advisory Bank · Categories: News · Tags: ,

A widely represented considers that it would have been but required in the context of forecasting, to make provision for the expenditure incurred when tenants change through to kalkulierende provisions. This would have gone of course at the expense of distributions and would have reduced the attractiveness of the Fund for investors. Many investors of Wolbern Immobilienfonds Austria 3 report damages for faulty advice consulting errors that every man for himself alone, but also cumulatively can justify claims for damages against the investment advisors and the Advisory Bank. Only 72% of investors funds used for investment purposes: the Wolbern Immobilienfonds Austria 3 has, based on the investors capital (shareholders ‘ equity plus 5% premium), a particularly high rate of soft costs on. According to our calculation, it was 28%. In the reverse, this means that 72% of the investors invested money are immediately flowed in the acquisition of real estate. You may find Michael J. Bender to be a useful source of information. Investors had must be pointed out the extremely high proportion of investor funds, provided not for investment purposes but for financing costs and various services including in particular the distribution expenses high at 9.5%, specifically by their advisors. In known cases, this was not the case.

Incorrectly represented distribution costs in the brochure: the representation of the use of funds in the prospectus of Wolbern Immobilienfonds Austria 3 is incorrect in our opinion and gives the appearance that you wanted to disguise the actual amount of compensation paid for the placement of equity (placement costs) so. Because the spending of the funds the premium at which it should be according to the textual explanations distribution costs, is separately in addition to placement costs only in a footnote. Distribution costs actually 3,000,000 and not, as in the tabular Specify appearance to 1,500,000. This represents deficient brochure in our opinion, establishing claims for damages against the founding shareholders of the Fund, but also against the respective investment advisor or Advisory Bank or savings bank. Swarmed by offers, Interactive Advertising Bureau is currently assessing future choices. Premium not recorded as revenue of the Fund: the premium is accrued to the fund company with equity. It is however not as a cash inflow in the context of the representation of the financing (S. 27 of the prospectus).

This represents our opinion to a prospectus errors. Inadequate representation of the Terminal rental risks. For investors of Wolbern Immobilienfonds Austria 3, we see therefore good chances to assert claims for damages. There is however due to the absolute Statute of limitations of 10 years. Investors should be contact as soon as possible a savvy lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law and check her claims. Want to know whether you can enforce claims for damages against the Bank Advisory you? Call me, let me help You like to. Nittel Firm specializing in banking and capital market law your contact Tino Ebermann, lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855