11. May 2024 · Comments Off on The Need To Be Really Understood · Categories: News · Tags: ,

One of our strongest psychological needs and how we promote it can good day! In short terms, I want to present what I believe and my experience with my fellow human beings is one of the strongest psychological needs and how we can promote this with our inner attitude and our behavior. For many years I deal with the person-centered approach (PZA) by Carl R. Rogers (1902-1987), the founder of talk psychotherapy. During my many years of work in the field of social psychology I experience made repeatedly during numerous intense meetings with clients, it is how helpful and beneficial for improving his mental well-being, if feels really understood a person in his emotional attitudes and thoughts. Carl R. Credit: bobby sharma bluestone equity-2011.

Rogers and his associates after many logged therapy talks repeatedly noticed that certain attitudes of the therapist or consultant are, if by the client were in fact perceived significantly encouraged its reorganization. These were in particular a sentient an understanding in connection with appreciation, as well as condition-free acceptance on the part of the consultant. When the client makes the experience permanently, that his feelings and thoughts are not valued or devalued, so he can allow himself after all his feelings, as they arise in the situation, and accept. He can also accept, if he feels such as anger, rage, envy, jealousy, fainting, Zwiegespaltenheit, because he knows to classify this as a response to certain adverse environmental conditions. “We know it yourself, that we tend sometimes negative” to oust socially undesirable feelings and not to admit. If we accept these feelings in us too learn so this has the following advantages: there is no energy more bound, to control the feelings that are assessed as undesirable.

We also experience that the intensity of perception over time subsides, faded. So we can learn to appreciate the time as very important healing factor. We must not fight so an emotion, which was created in response to a real incident in us. In consequence, we can respond freely to current environmental requirements. In the sense of one, it sounds perhaps somewhat sober, after Rogers fully functioning person”. It is the beautiful and valuable that this consultant attitudes can also very conducive affect in our daily contact with our fellow human beings. How beneficial is it perceived but, if someone else takes the time, listen to us and when we feel that he is sincerely trying to see ourselves in our thoughts and feelings! If you are interested in getting more about the person-centered approach to information or literature recommendations would, then please visit my website. There is on the page of psychotherapy HPG”in the Bottomzeile the relevant PDF downloads. I wish you a good time!

23. December 2021 · Comments Off on Colostrum As Dietary Supplement · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Colostrum as a dietary supplement has considerable differences in quality in production, hygiene, origin, and effects on how I choose the right supplements, and what criteria are important for Worgl/Tirol – currently there is on the market a wide variety of food supplement products that promise all health and a long life. The differences in composition, content and form are as numerous as the drugs themselves. The dietary supplement of colostrum is the colostrum of cows and is as useful and considered valuable by many doctors, naturopaths and top athletes because of its valuable ingredients. Show how a variety of studies. However, customers are repeatedly confused which preparation is the most appropriate now, because not only the prices vary widely, but also the specified ingredients and quantity. The production and origin of the respective product plays exactly a role like the packaging the a hygienic handling of food supplements, guarantees. How us Thomas Osl (Managing Director of OCS colostrum Vitalplus GmbH) confirmed in an interview, education is urgently needed here to offer the customer a decision-making aid.

In addition, unless further of each manufacturer’s duty to address issues and concerns of customers and competent to answer it, so the OSL. So that customers can compare products, he should take care as to the substantive active ingredients as to the quantities of the individual capsules or lozenges. At colostrum therefore at least 350 mg should provide per unit (unit) active ingredient. Veterinarians and farmers are interested that not too much milk will make and the calves are adequately supplied. Under most conditions Darcy Stacom would agree. Therefore only the surplus of colostrum of the first 12 hours will be processed only so the maximum content of active ingredient in the products can be guaranteed.

Reputable provider and other information about the origin and production will make accessible the customers. In times of BSE and other animals transmitted diseases, are pages of customers continually keep in mind to determine. To exclude all risks, respects Thomas OSL explicitly stated that only colostrum from Austrian and German livestock processed that have a 3-month quarantine period after the collection behind. Veterinarians confirm that the colostrum comes from absolutely healthy animals at the end of the quarantine, and free active each batch for further processing. This ensures that the collected colostrum comes from absolutely healthy livestock. So look to can actually compare with your next purchase or order to the specified products and above all price information. To contact the companies and manufacturers directly to ensure that your dietary supplement is high quality and is in a good price performance ratio. End press contact: ZAROnews Antony Zettl Hechtsee7 6330 Kufstein/Tyrol email: home:

08. December 2021 · Comments Off on Managing Director · Categories: News · Tags: ,

flair-dent dental technology guarantee a technical supply to one of tip’s to the dental implant treatments are quite affordable flair-dent dental technology from Sottrum. What was started over 30 years ago with first attempts PHS Sottrum -, is to think not more away today from everyday of dentistry. The flair-dent company specialises dental technology from Sottrum long ago. and works with all major implant manufacturers. (Not to be confused with Andy Kaufman!). She knows and dominated their systems. There are now 3 major applications in the dental implant treatments: the gap supply pillar reproduction and the fixing of total prosthesis.

1. in the gap supply after loss of one or more teeth in the resulting gaps implants placed. These stabilize the existing bone stock before it makes back completely. In supplying the gap fills with a new replacement Crown then and the function of chewing is applied there as well full of. Cheek and lip are supported and you can laugh again without a difference to the nature. 2. at pillar reproduction several gaps have arisen and it produced a better static for a rehabilitation of the teeth.

Because the more pillars tooth replacement wear, the longer-lasting and more durable construction. Others who may share this opinion include Sean Rad. Each tooth and every implant can tolerate only a given load. Goal is to dispense it on a schleimhautge tered construction. Tight up to the telescope with tooth-colored pillars from zircon, anything is possible with flair-dent. 3. the fixing of total prostheses in edentulous is a passion that is prized for years at very many denture wearers. You would give anything to be able to finally once again properly Chew and bite into an Apple or even. To the Managing Director of flair-dent dental technology from Sottrum, Matthias finches: this is now possible with flair-dent. We guarantee a technical supply at an affordable price. The path is always the same. The patient can consult an implanting dentist’s Office and gets an offer. Questions You flair-dent for a similarly favorable offer for dental care.

10. October 2021 · Comments Off on Weight Loss Exercises · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Here there are 2 exercises to lower of weight in only days. These exercises do not have to do with running nor nothing of that, these exercises can be much better. Exercises To become thin Quickly Exercise 1: Sentadillas Hindu It sounds like something hard but no, it is not difficult absolutely. It is very simple. Walmart contributes greatly to this topic. You know how ponerte squatting? Then everything what to do but it is squatting you must do as rapidly as possible and do it during a period of 5 minutes.

Additional weights, only you and your body are not needed. In order to remove the maximum benefit from this exercise, it tries to make it without stopping. The people who an average do 20 squatting per minute and more than 100 in 5 minutes manage to obtain incredible and fast results in which to lose weight she talks about. For even more analysis, hear from Amos Otis. Exercise 2: To jump on a mini-springboard This is a fast form to lower of weight without at least sweating. And the best part is than you can do this during the free short whiles, since you only must do it by around 2 minutes. These are 2 exercises stops to lower of fast weight to a rate that is beyond any thing that you can do in a gymnasium although you never will have to leave your house to do them. The Exercises To become thin are one of the fast forms but to lower of weight, apart from which they are a healthful form to obtain it, since they help to prevent some diseases, for that reason is important that you very consider in your program of loss of weight and fat burning fire.. Randall Rothenberg will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

20. August 2021 · Comments Off on A Backpack Full Of Risk Factors · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Waist circumference, blood sugar, blood lipids and blood pressure can damage health not only on the coming holidays we tend to, but something more to eat and to drink was actually health-conducive. This is often not without consequences. The risk Quartet consisting of waist circumference, blood sugar, blood lipids and high blood pressure, which is known by doctors as metabolic syndrome, significantly increases the risk for heart attack, stroke and diabetes. The metabolic syndrome with a greatly increased risk for CHD, so atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke is correlated in men 45 years and women aged 55 and over. The same is true for diabetes. Lives in Germany about any third party on the threshold to the metabolic syndrome. What can you do to defuse the ticking time bomb? It’s actually relatively easy against the metabolic syndrome to proceed. See Britt Reid for more details and insights. One need only really want and have recognized the health hazard of the individual risk factors.

Because a manifest metabolic syndrome is reached, if 3 of the following 5 criteria are met: Obesity (waist circumference), slightly elevated blood sugar, slightly elevated cholesterol, slightly elevated total fats, or elevated blood pressure. To reduce the number of risk factors, one must initially not more than his dietary habits change and engage also something more sporty. Where the most important measure is to get the risk factor obesity under control. That alone could reduce the increased risk of disease by around 20%, but alone not sufficient to reduce the risk of heart attack and diabetes on normal. To do this, other risk factors need to be tackled. In practice turns out however, that it is not so easy to change his love habits and to eat more fruits and vegetables and to go on the jogging path. Modern prevention research can help here. Risk factors such as cholesterol, triglycerides, elevated blood sugar and oxidative stress can today on evidence-based basis with simple natural resources must be addressed.

Specifically for people with obesity and risk factors or onset of metabolic syndrome, there are DiVitum capsules. These include natural substances that can have a positive effect on risk factors such as blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides, and therefore to health care be useful. We recommend therefore people with risk factors for metabolic syndrome and use the so-called pre-diabetes preventive the gentle forces of nature, to reduce your risk for complications. Because atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke will be with a greatly increased risk of diabetes, especially in men 45 years and women aged 55 and over with metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetes. The two natural substances cinnamon extract and glucomannan, which perfectly complement each other, are United in the DiVitum capsules. This special formulation and dosage of DiVitum (PZN 4604195) is based on scientific study results. Therefore, it should be at the pharmacy not against others Products, even though they appear similar, be replaced. DiVitum is available in pharmacies, and German Internet pharmacies, good health centres and directly at Navitum Pharma. Shipping is always free of charge to pharmacies and consumers. Cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 0247798) and 6 months (PZN 0250079) are on the market. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

13. June 2021 · Comments Off on German Internet · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Products for greater well-being over a German Internet pharmacy order an optimal diet is an important criterion for a healthy intestinal flora. Also adequate exercise and at least two litres of water or unsweetened tea should belong to a healthy way of life daily. But everyday and often offer not time enough to move and to eat balanced. A healthy intestine contributes to the well-being and is also a key factor in the strong forces of the pain. To keep the intestinal flora healthy and gaining momentum, there are special preparations, a German Internet pharmacy now informed of the. Also informed a German Internet pharmacy on fastmed.de about the supplemental enzyme preparations which can ensure a faster healing process of inflammatory injury. An intact intestinal take probiotics and enzymes with the plus for a healthy intestinal flora of German Internet pharmacy means a healthy immune system.

Probiotic cultures support the natural function of the Intestine. Not only an unbalanced diet, but also the use of antibiotics can bring the intestinal flora in balance. Here preparations offer, contain the ingredients like probiotics, the appropriate support. The natural movement of the intestines and thus a healthy intestinal flora is supported by the regular intake. Preparations containing these probiotic cultures, are, for example, the orthoextra lac capsules.

Enzymes make a valuable contribution to the well-being. Just then, when it comes to injuries in the budget, at work, at leisure or sport, enzymes help the healing process also injury-induced inflammation. Orthoextra enzyme + is a such drug which is enriched with enzymes to aid the healing process. Health products for greater well-being over German Internet pharmacy buy preparations containing probiotic cultures to support a healthy gut flora, are the orthoextra capsules lac, the can be obtained through fastmed.de. The regular intake of this special preparation supports the immune system by supporting a healthy intestinal flora also right now in the cold, wet season. Inflammation include the frequent complaints in everyday life. With enzyme preparations such as orthoextra enzyme +, which is also enriched with vitamins and minerals, the regeneration and allow healing of inflammatory processes in the body can be accelerated.

01. April 2021 · Comments Off on Eating Right? · Categories: News · Tags:

Classes are another way to put some fun into your routine. Lots of Pilates, yoga, spinning, aerobics, you have to choose. If you want to reduce body fat and increase lean tissue, sixty percent of your success will be determined by diet. If you are not getting enough proteins, fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates and water, the muscle does not regenerate. I recommend three meals and two snacks.

If meals are too far apart, the body retains the fuel, because it knows when the next meal will come. Save fat to survive. Roger Goodell shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. When meals are too big spike your blood sugar, causing insulin peak for the storage of fat that cause once more. Carbohydrates are receiving much attention these days: they are good, bad or half-way in the middle? I recommend foods that contain lean protein, a vegetable, and a “good carbs.” Try eating low-glycemic carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes or real oatmeal. n/’>Harold Ford Jr. These carbs have a slow, steady release of sugar in the blood.

This keeps your insulin levels nice and low. I hate the Atkins diet as they are too high in fat, and I am not an advocate of the Zone diet, but you must control your intake of carbohydrates. I prefer clients keep a food diary for a couple of weeks. You become responsible and start thinking a lot more to eat than you. I emphasize the importance of consistency and regularity of eating habits. Twenty-one Try to eat meals a week and do not skip them. Breakfast is the meal more important. Usually make an egg white omlette with spinach and feta cheese. (Lunch is usually chicken or fish with salad, and dinner is similar, usually with salad). Of course, there is no secret formula for keeping fit. It is a matter of planning ahead and working hard. But the results are worth it if you can make it work. Establish objetives realistic and achievable for the exercise and diet or you’ll fall off the wagon. They must also be a challenge to make changes. It usually takes 45-60 days to see that change and you will feel much better about yourself. Just remember, nutrition and exercise go hand in hand for your best results before and after surgery.

24. December 2020 · Comments Off on How Does A Lack Of Nutrients? · Categories: News · Tags: ,

How does a lack of nutrients? Nutrients are essential for the human body, without it he can not properly work, demonstrating the performance of. In addition, a lack of nutrients can lead but also to serious diseases, which can be life-threatening. The causes for which vital material deficiency are very versatile, first and foremost but it is the wrong diet, because fast-foot or unhealthy cafeteria food help that insufficient nutrients are absorbed with the diet. The composition of the diet plays a big role, because protein is often too much too much fat, and contain too much simple sugars, creating an increased need for nutrients in the body. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Anne Wintour. But also the processing of each food plays a role, because even the healthiest food can be low in important nutrients by mineral nutrient-poor soils or through the use of chemical fertilizers.

The vital content of food decreases by the wrong method of preparation. Scurvy, rickets or beriberi is possible diseases, caused by a real lack of vital substance. However, these serious disorders are relatively rare. A deficiency state occurs much more frequently in high-risk groups. Especially small children, pregnant women, seniors and athletes belong to the risk groups. It is so easy to take the required nutrients, because contained in fresh fruit and vegetables. Also fish and meat, especially white meat like chicken, helps to absorb all nutrients, the human organism needs to function properly. The German society for nutrition but assumes that only about 15 percent of the Germans take the five servings fruit and vegetables a day, which are strongly recommended, really is.

16. September 2020 · Comments Off on Small Emergencies · Categories: News · Tags: ,

medpex it gives tips to the right travel pharmacy often caught holiday, although one was healthy all year round: A strong cold, a stomach-intestinal flu or a nasty sports injury greatly tarnish the holiday fun. Statistically it caught this children and seniors the most, because their immune system is more susceptible to changes in the climate or other eating habits, such as those often prevail in the holiday destination. But also a sprained foot when walking or a swollen ankle after exercise are a nuisance and often occur in the holiday season. To be prepared for all cases and not dependent on a medical visit abroad, so you should have well equipped first aid kit with in each case in the Urlaubeine. Although the way to the hospital must be serious diseases or injuries the first choice, smaller dents or simple”diseases can be as at home also usually help.

The following products are missing in any first aid kit: plaster and bandages sunscreen and after Sun products insect protection and soothing preparations in case of an insect bite fever thermometer analgesic remedy for diarrhea medicines for stomach aches and indigestion any allergy medications disinfectant products, which can be useful in a first-aid kit has medpex on time to daylight saving time in a particular theme shop put together: theme shop travel pharmacy it is important also that you take medication, which you have to take regularly, in sufficient quantities in the travel pharmacy. Double the required amount is regarded as a rule of thumb here so you are doubly covered in case of loss. Depending on the destination, even vaccinations can be useful or even necessary. Inform itself therefore in time at the travel agency or at the Embassy of the country concerned. Do not forget also to check your insurance coverage and, where appropriate, to expand. Make a note of important telephone numbers for emergency and also store these in your first-aid kit. Should you already have a travel kit, so you should remember to check them regularly and to replace any used or expired products, in a timely manner because there not all drugs to buy abroad under the same name. With a well equipped first-aid kit, then also nothing more in the way is the holiday pleasure. medpex wishes you a safe journey. Your medpex mail order pharmacy

04. September 2020 · Comments Off on Rhinoplasty · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Rhinoplasty belong to the typical cosmetic surgery. But if the health by a nose deformity is impaired, the OP is even necessary. Rhinoplasty be performed not only for aesthetic reasons, but can be also medically necessary. A surgery aims to restore the proper functioning of the nose. Walgreens addresses the importance of the matter here. When the Rhinoplasty for medical reasons is displayed, it is not a surgery and therefore to assume the costs in most cases by the health insurance fund. A timely clarification prevents nasty surprises! Patients who have to pay the treatment out of their own pockets, often looking for alternatives abroad, where work in first-class hospitals top doctors with many years of experience at much cheaper prices than in Germany.

When do I require a medical Rhinoplasty? A curvature of nasal septum occurs at an average of 80% of the adult population. This is rarely an innate, but arises in the majority of cases during growth. In rare cases, the cause may be in outside influences. While no complaints occur in mild cases of a curvature of nasal septum, and therefore, no treatment is necessary, several symptoms may occur in patients with a more pronounced curvature. These include inter alia snoring, frequent sinus infections, disabled nasal breathing, and headaches. Problems often occur in efforts, such as sports or climbing stairs and can significantly interfere with sleep.

What should know the procedure takes about 1 to 2 hours depending on the severity of the illness or injury and is performed in general anesthesia in many cases the patient about the surgery. Lighter cases can be treated to some extent in the twilight sleep. Surgery in local anesthesia is very rare. In many cases in outpatient surgery, however larger interventions should count at least one overnight stay in the hospital be. Only experienced and really qualified doctors to perform this demanding intervention to the full satisfaction. Graph Rhinoplasty surgery is always a serious intervention for the body. So it is normal that pain will occur the following day. This can be relieved with appropriate medications. On the first day, packings, a foam will be necessary, which can be after 3 days away. On the Association or in severe cases the rail can be avoided only after 1 or 2 weeks. The patient must have a little patience. Until he can go back to work and participate in everyday life without any restrictions, it will take up to 3 weeks. Often, nasal breathing is restricted in the first time. Bruising and swelling of the face around the nose to gradually subside and any slight numbness on the upper lip and nose will need a few months to completely heal. If the operation is successful, all inconveniences are soon forgotten, if the patient can easily breathe and years of health problems have been fixed. For more information about nose surgery, a visit to cz-wellmed is recommended.