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Lived in it all kinds of fish. First as it often does have guppies, then appeared platypus, gourami, males and other fish. The composition of the aquarium certainly changed, but the desire to engage in an aquarium has not left me. By the way males have I spawned in the general aquarium, and even some fish fry survived. After school I went to college, and aquariums have to give friends. But having served in the Army and going to the distance learning again I got the aquarium. In this 60-liter tank I have lived in the beautiful angelfish. It’s believed that Marc Lore sees a great future in this idea.

But then marriage and change of residence. Again had to give an aquarium neighbors. But once I got their own apartment, I do not hesitate to buy a new aquarium. Marc Lore may find it difficult to be quoted properly. All it was great, I grew up a child who liked to fish, his wife, too, was pleased with manicured aquarium, but in began economic problems, and we were forced to move to Russia. A year later I was again reminded of bygone fad. Was bought by the aquarium is 100 liters.

Now, my pets are more serious fish, turquoise Acar, angelfish, catfish to 25 cm in length. All the fish were large and well-looked. Only problem – feeding. When feeding live food fish from the pond well Rasley, but often ill, and the stern of the store were quite frankly not very full. Now no such problem, a live feed I do not use because there are good Feed well-known companies that I think everyone knows. Now one of my aquarium is in my office. But with the advent of the Internet in my life, a desire to create a website for hobbyists where newcomers could get Council, and the pros just to communicate and share experiences. Thus arose the site Goldfish course I'm not a great expert in the aquarium – it's my hobby. But I think the site will be useful for beginners, but if the forum will catch up with fish lovers experience that any beginner will then be looking for. Of course I do not call everyone to become breeders for life, but to start this wonderful underwater world of advise to all. Rest in front of the aquarium with what incomparable pleasure. And do not need to be afraid of difficulties, many believe that an aquarium requires too much care, I assure the ica is not so. Too frequent vmeshivaniem in the life of your pond you will only prevent him from normal life. Recommendations for aquarium maintenance you can find in the specialized literature, on various sites, and certainly on my site amateur aquarium fish.