01. March 2021 · Comments Off on Determine Age · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

Calves up to 5-6 months only have incisors and premolars. The central pair of incisors is called a hook, followed by internal secondary tools, outdoor tools and medium selvages. On the upper jaw incisors do not – they replaced the horn plate. Premolars and molars, and then – three pairs on each jaw. Calf born with four pairs of incisors. Better developed hooks and internal medium.

Selvages and external medium cutters can only seem to be. If the incisors do not penetrate, hence, the calf was born underdeveloped. By 2 weeks cutters must withdraw completely. At the same age start to appear premolars, which are finally cut through to 3 weeks. With a half months already can be seen blurring incisors. Later all, it can be seen on the selvages (3 months).

In 5-6-month old calves cut with the first pair of molars, which grows to a finite size to 9 months. By 15 months erased dairy hooks, which are replaced in 15-18 months constant. At the same time, a second pair of molars. By two years of the animal 2 pairs of molars should be fully formed, and the third begins to erupt. Internal and external medium cutters and selvages are replaced constant in the age of 2,5, 3 and 4 years respectively. By 3 years of grow first and second pair of permanent premolars, to 3,5-4 years, third.

09. June 2020 · Comments Off on Olympic Games · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Pigeons were constructed feeders in gardens, admiring the flocks slowly circling in the air, almost in chorus sang: 'Fly pigeons, fly! " Pigeons and summer. In a short time 'turned gray' eaves of houses and roofs, and adorned with monuments white streaks and blotches. Then the pigeons began to stain and shoot. On this, we dove into a career as a bird of peace has ended. But pigeons man domesticated at least 6,000 years ago, and they served him faithfully. Pigeon mail was known in ancient times. It was used in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, and then dove has become a means of communication and in Europe. In the XIII century, a good pigeon was worth as much and a great horse horse.

In the XIX century, during the Franco-Prussian War the French were the first to use pigeons, and then the Germans appreciated flying postmen. In the German army before World War I was over 300 thousand military pigeons. Over time, news of progress, such as air-mail, telegraph, it seemed, drove the pigeons. However, in cases when you need something to deliver, without delay, continue to help out our feathered friends postmen. YD Dmitriev says that during the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the pigeons were taken to the newspapers of film from the stadium within minutes. They do not have to stand for hours in traffic jams on the streets of Tokyo, killed transport. In the English city of Plymouth, the pigeons were transported urgent blood tests and often saved people's lives.