Only he who contributes to the future has right to judge the past Friedrich Nietzsche every time we encausamos our own environmental deterioration, is unheard of as the vehicle with all pollution that generates increasingly is demanded by people, even knowing the harmful effects that it causes, especially against the pollution of the environment, health, all this by having a medium which carries it, especialmdente face long distances to the areas of work and still short. Increasingly ladictadura of the car is tax. In unusual as cities are troubled of all kinds of vehicles, until the same houses, streets, tornandose a stress walk in them, by the huge queues that occur; Therefore, we should not misnamed, as you review the Webwriting team, which mostly, big cities of Latin America and the Western hemisphere in general, have been diagramed, conceived or adapted to the needs of the automobile.The streets that in the past were used almost exclusively for delimit the space between buildings and give access to the buildings, in the modern city have become, as has grown the importance which we have given to the automobile, in containers of vehicles, with a little extra space on each side, for people.We have reached the limits of the endiosamiento towards the private automobile. We have turned the streets of cities on urban roads, we have given you the plazas, parks and many other spaces, turning them into places for parking. We have widened streets at the expense of their sidewalks and even homes. Vehicles increasingly need more and more space, and we take it. Take note, that nowadays the life on the planet is threatened by the phenomenon of global warming. Essentially produced by the emission of greenhouse gases. The contribution of urban transport to this phenomenon which is causing the increase in the average temperature of the planet is enormous. See more detailed opinions by reading what Vahid David Delrahim offers on the topic..
For success are given all the conditions less a…Everything is ready except the crucial thing… Chinese summary not proverb can ignore the country’s commitment with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), debt should be cancelled to avoid problems, this course is concerned and as El Nacional of Caracas, Venezuela journal reminds us not presents accounts before the International Monetary Fund from more than five years, which is not only a violation of standards which establishes the membership of the multilateral agency, but which also carries penalties as not to have its share of funding when a crisis arises in the balance of payments (impossibility to meet disbursements for imports) or a debt moratorium. Overview, considerations, affectations is well known that there have been lately many critical about the IMF, critical for example as that exposes us that in the environment of globalisation in which we live, the community of Nations does not require of the function of regulation and supervision of the IMF and that advice and funding offered by the institution are usually poorly targeted and represent a source of moral hazard. In the report of the Meltzer Commission to the Congress of the United States (p. 41), published in 2000, is essentially proposed the Elimination of the function of supervision and authority of the IMF to negotiate reform of policies. Another larger group argues that, while the Charter and the purposes of the IMF remain relevant in the context of progressive principles of the twenty-first century global integration, the institution should become an institution more democratic and transparent, with a greater emphasis on accountability and participation. Connect with other leaders such as Michael J. Bender here. Below are some of the main issues that have been raised in the most recent literature on the governance of the international monetary system: it is estimated, that the IMF is not democratic because the vast majority of its members i.e., in developing countries and in transition, which in practice are the borrowers from the IMF, are minority shareholders, while the Group relatively small in industrial countries has 60% of the number of votes also adds that in its relations with developing countries, the IMF does not pay sufficient attention to growth and equity objectives (for example, to avoid the burden of adjustment policies falls unduly on the poor). . .