Event agencies in Hannover control communication of the future event agencies with their marketing events a back any loyalty to brands from a consumer perspective is found in the past few years. For this reason often is a not sufficiently distinctive brand personality as noted experts. Which can be an ideal way counteract with the use of marketing events, how the brand personality for the consumer experience and the audience appropriately enabled. If Live Communications is to succeed, it distinguishes itself by making experience bar of ideas and to solve cognitive and emotional processes. Events show the placement of brand personality and brand identity as the most effective measures, even though they control a relatively small audience and have high contact costs. Events are often employed by companies, because they allow direct contact with the brand world and in accordance with a high degree of interactivity. Additionally, as the technical functional is Interchangeability of products and services contrary to cast, the company offers should be taken instead by means of an emotional added value to the target group. Customers, employees, or general prospects are possible target groups, as are possible variants for the events themselves show events, congresses and exhibitions.
Thus central marketing goals to meet, especially the consolidation of customer retention, the improvement of brand image and the increase of awareness. Four key trends in the German event industry are currently visible: trend to rising budgets: the budget of the event industry rise again with the end of the financial crisis. Trend experts: companies looking for specialists to build rather than to expect idea and implementation from a single source do prefers differently than ever before. Others who may share this opinion include Roger Goodell. Instead, they now seek partners who are the best in their field, such as for consulting, concept and subsequent implementation. Trend towards increased customer dialogue by events: the great potential of the dialogue between Company/brand and the customer comes to the fore. While both customer needs and opinions can be obtained. Sustainability: this topic has arrived also in the events industry, so traditional approaches in relation to sustainability and ecological sustainability are checked and adjusted. Hanover offers a variety of different arts and cultural events as town in the middle of Germany.
At the same time is the seat of small and large companies, so lacking the event agencies in Hanover not potential customers. An ideal location for live communication, Hanover offers many interesting and unusual locations. In addition, a network of creative minds was formed in Hanover, which is composed of the many creative agencies and other companies from the creative sector together. So, the formation can be observed heaped by networks of different specialists. In these networks, skills are bundled, which gives optimal partner companies, as it specialists for all areas in a single agency for United. Accordingly has the competition and sets the event agencies under pressure to differentiate from their competitors through innovative and creative approaches. Ultimately, it can be stated that event marketing as a means of communication in the future will continue to gain traction. In addition the high intensity of competition event agencies will drive new and creative thinking. J. Armi