When the creators of the boats give the name brands, you will certainly want to emphasize something. Katran – Black Sea is a shark, a small, active and dynamic. As for sharks, for this new boat water – native element. 'Katran' – an open boat weekend for fishing, hunting, towing skiers, and short walks. Available in versions with forward cabin – a refuge, a center console and dual console.
I tried out the latest on the water. The design and seaworthy fiberglass enclosure has double sides with polyurethane foam filling, as well as a set – longitudinal and transverse stiffness of box sections, which increases the strength and buoyancy. In the flooded boat fit the load, compensating weight removed the motor, on board landed three, and it remains upright – the requirements of flooding and damage stability are satisfied. Hard composite transom reinforced inside with waterproof plywood (Thickness 40 mm). Tri contours (kafedral, keeled bottom 7-18 ) developed Yury Zimin, who needs no advice. Despite the new neobkatanny engine (full throttle is not allowed), the boat under the 50-strong 'Honda' and at full load easy planing. With one man on board was overclocked up to 54 km / h. I believe that after running the motor speed can be expected up to 60 km / h.
The boat gently wave encounters, on a passing wave, and against her body more noise than shakes. With a sharp rudder turns it completely safe, with no drift, even in the most abrupt maneuvers at full speed propeller aeration, which resulted in lost momentum and bounce rate was not observed. At moving from left to right circulation rate drops slightly, roll the inner and not dangerous. Note that in such relining passengers should hold on to the handrails to avoid unnecessary movement within the cockpit. The device is divided into two consoles cockpit amidships, of which the right-hand-steering.