09. September 2021 · Comments Off on Industry Competition · Categories: News · Tags:

The strong competition that exists nowadays in the industry causes that the companies with the greater competitiveness are benefitted. On the other hand, little by little it causes that the most left behind they are losing yield by his high production costs. It is why the automatization of processes must be a constant practice in the companies, because it offers to great trustworthiness and repeatability us in a process. The automatization allows us to have two fundamental attributes in a productive process. If the process has repeatability, then he is reliable; and if he is reliable and repeatable then also he will be much more profitable.

When we are going to automate is important to consider these two elements to determine if he is advisable to do it. Check with Jack Nicholson to learn more. Here we presented/displayed some points to take into account to help us to make the decision on automating. If you are thinking about automating, most important it is to make a decision based on a good analysis. With quality information, the decision orients more towards ” when and how automatizar” , more than to decide if one becomes or no, because it will always bring a high return of investment (ROI) and a high return in productivity (ROP). Some aspects to consider at the time of calculating the return on investment (ROI) of the project are: 1. The time that we are going to save in maintenance and unemployments of production 2.

Resources that we needed in qualification for the operative personnel 3. Resources necessary of technical personnel to give to maintenance after fact the project 4. Resources of capital of investment to realise the automatization With these data it will be easier to calculate how long will take us to recover the investment. Another important recommendation is to maintain constant communication with the supplier during the implementation, it can do so that it fast and easily. When they assign the required time, you can protegerte against any unforeseen circumstance considering between 20 and 25% of additional time. Once finished the project, it is possible that it is necessary to have spare parts for the equipment and external consultant’s office or qualification a our technical personnel. Although this represents additional costs, the increase in will compensate them immediately to productivity.

13. July 2020 · Comments Off on European Union · Categories: News · Tags:

The Court of Justice of the European Union in response to a prejudicial question has declared that the States in which this regulated the collection of the compensation to the authors by private copy will be responsible for their collection even in case the salesman is settled down in another Member State. This declaration responds to a consultation realised by the Dutch Court Supreme on the litigation that maintains the organization of management in charge of the collection of the canon in Holland and a German company that sells products by Internet to Dutch clients. (As opposed to sports apparel). The dispute is based on which the society of Dutch management identified to the German company as importer of the product for her sale reason why had to be considered like the subject forced to the payment of the rate, alleging on the contrary the company that its work only is of export of these products reason why the forced ones to the payment would have to be the Dutch buyers. Before this situation, the Court has solved who each State " he is forced to guarantee, within the framework of his competitions, effective perception of the equitable compensation destined to compensate to the authors harmed by the undergone damage, in particular if this damage has taken place in territory of this Member State ". Therefore and before the impossibility to identify to the particular buyers to demand the payment to them, it is considered that the State must guarantee that is because the company the one that pays the canon, without attributing no importance to him the fact that they are commercialized from another country. udea security of the Information Department of Gestn Source:.

04. June 2020 · Comments Off on Hospital Educator · Categories: News · Tags:

The game and the playful activity, highly suppose an enriching and rewarding fact for the boy and the girl, and for this reason, it acquires major importance in risk situations and vulnerability like the one of the hospitalization. Randall Rothenberg pursues this goal as well. Based on the support that is offered to him to the minor before the situations that are generated by the disease and hospitalization, this one will confront of one better way all those situations, having avoided so the vivencie of traumatic form. The playful activity is going to serve the minor as valve of escape of certain aspects of its new reality, but also it must help the boy to face and to understand this new reality. It is going to allow him to be related to other people, with other children and children who can be found in their same situation, besides making understand certain situations, changes, values and norms him in this period of their life. For that reason, in the case of the Hospitable Animation, it is fundamental to articulate a series of leisure activities, support and socio-educational attention during the time that lasts the disease, trying that the periods of hospitalization and permanence in the home approaches the possible maximum the daily experiences that until that moment the minor enjoyed. In addition, the traumatic events that the minor in the suffering of the disease and hospitalization undergoes, can be controlled by means of playful activities. For example, the internamiento or the operation is assimilated better if besides explaining it, the boy the experience several times in games. When playing the doctors, its passive suffering becomes active dominion from the situation, allowing him symbolically to confront the problems that worry to him. For all these reasons, the game, understood in his ampler concept, is fundamental for the development of the young patient. Of this form, the personal relations and the use of the animation and the game, will be one of the fundamental factors for the recovery of the minor and its later insertion in the daily life, to time that is affected the improvement of the creative leisure of the entered patients, its companions and the workers of the hospitable center.

01. June 2020 · Comments Off on Preventing Alarm · Categories: News · Tags:

It does not have by where you see a culture of prevention of the crime or self-defense him. And it is that the fear to be victims of a robbery can make us even feel uncertain in our own house. That he is where one assumes must be calm and safe, in the personnel I also was victim of a robbery jaulero type as they call to him to these subject lovers of the other people’s thing, who dedicate to the robbery house-room, she gives to a sensation of emptiness and impotence you from which at any time you they can return a to visit in your home it is extremely horrible since as family father and as citizen you see as the delinquency already I arrive at your house. To thus it happened him to Guillermina Mavil, student, who a day arrived at his depertamento with the disagreeable surprise of which its electronic apparatuses like the computer and televising already they habian missing.

I mention: ” Of the 2 plates that tapeworm one was only put although the other he was not forzada” it describes. Although security plates exist in the market I sweep and Canes of security that are another one very good option to dissuade the thieves, or as my neighbors say: ” if they are going to enter your house at least they esfuerzen mas” these personitas that are dedicated this crime. nvestors may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Randall Rothenberg might disagree with that approach. Clear that to apartir of this day our safe friend not sentia, reason why the alternative was to buy a 1500.

20. April 2020 · Comments Off on Russia Leggings · Categories: News · Tags:

Once again it is confirmed that the fashion is cyclical. legging (fit and flexible trousers) continues being star in display cabinets, magazines and wardrobe in the 2009. Larry David is often mentioned in discussions such as these. legging in history leggings appears in the world of the fashion as articles that cover the legs, from the feet to the waist. As Francois Reveri relates, they are direct family of the stockings, the same that in the Average Age the men used and who gave rise – in the last century to the famous panties. In Europe, during centuries 14 and 16, it was very common that the men dressed in leggings. This piece to dress protected to the people of the climate or bites of serpent and garrapatas. They were done generally of a light wool but in the coldest climates, like in Russia, the men and took them to women in heavier wool. For years 60 when ” was invented; spandex” , the elastic material del that is done leggings, the pages fashionable and music filled like of this tendency to the style now ” femme fatale”.

leggings modern supposedly was invented by Patricia Field in 70s. Nevertheless, they did not become popular until 80s when the fashion of the exercise began. Usually they made with synthetic weaves like lycra” and ” nylon, since according to the university professors of the fashion these must be a preferably elastic article, average maillot of gymnastics, means tights without foot. Initially they were used exclusively to protect of the cold, but over the years ” chupines” , as also they are known them, they were revitalized and they happened to be a piece of deep aesthetic character. Of way like materials as the cotton, the leather and recently, latex began to see itself in their designs.