“If you carefully close the window from a draft of life – risking protuhnut” An intelligent man I want to share with you the impression of the book by Timur Gagina and Alexei Kelina School dostigatora. Not all moments of the book, I I agree, but a charge of optimism gives the book! It is necessary to check yourself, you will fall in the shops – look through – see for yourself. It happens in humans: a year or two on the spot, ten fifteen brains melt. Nothing happens. Man begins to climb the wall. And already – too late. And all because bosses nose from the winds that blew past. Dear reader of these lines, do a little test – tell me: What do you mean red light? It seems to be a simple answer – avast! No trespassing.
And if you look in terms of traffic? If you drove or approaches to traffic lights where red – so you have to wait long green! Red allows you to slip on the green, if you move. Means for moving – enough to reduce the speed or plan a route so that the non-stop to get to your goal! You see where I’m going? Or think, I’ll tell the traffic rules? What is interesting in motion? This is an opportunity to maneuver, to seek new directions. To catch a fair wind – and the move by the shortest route to their targets! It is on the increase in the number of targets for current opportunities emphasis is placed in this book.