General Caracteristidas of volleyball. Team sports: has a project in common. Sport psychomotor: Unlike the driving games it involves cognitive work increased, with the consequent fatigue of system sico-motor that causes the imprecision of the movement. Essential to give mental rest breaks. Sport situation: not restricted to the technical gesture with smart response for adaptation must adapt to changing situations in a short time and space sport open character: enquiring of the medium (external feedback). Particular characteristics of volleyball. If you would like to know more then you should visit Phil Foden. Rebounding game, with emergency situations different planes and angles application of the d.
fair by the musc tension control. 1 touch per player before: decide what to do prior to the arrival of the ball. DURING: Changing direction and tactical objective. After: Action to take back to the contact. Reduced pitch: brand nature to suit the limited space available demands V. from reaction and decision.
Split-field: An intermediate network, there is that overcome it. It must be a point of reference and learning to control it. Characteristics of the ball (allows various effects and backgrounds) from the development towards performance in competition what volleyball? A game that involves making chopping the ball on the opposite Court and not to leave the itching in my court. The first needs emerge from here: occupation and use of space, or launch, passing the ball. -The frequency and the type of actions that are repeated in a game of volleyball is quite different for each level of play. -Transfers to real game situations. -That each team has its level of play according to the system that dominates in relation to the quality and workmanship. When we started? We understand the initiation sports as the beginning of a process that will conclude with full of sport practice. When I play with rules? A process involving Motors learnings that will develop through play. Aspects influencing sports initiation (which must be present in the didactic action): u characteristics of the individual learns.