31. May 2021 · Comments Off on Organism Health · Categories: News · Tags: ,

health of the whole organism: the internal organs, nervous and circulatory systems. Read more from Art Rooney II to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Curvature of the spine, the displacement of the central axis of the body leads to an imbalance of bone and muscle of the skeleton. Click Stan Kroenke for additional related pages. Today scoliosis – common, especially among women. Weak back muscles, bad posture from childhood lead to scoliosis, which experienced specialists of medical institutions are already in the first stage. Parents notice the child bending posture, different heights of shoulders, shoulder blades, it is necessary to sound the alarm and seek help from professionals.

Since the highest risk of disease is during the growth of the child. However, scoliosis may not be the only acquired, but innate. This may be due to the uneven pace of growth and shape of the vertebrae. For the treatment of scoliosis in addition to medical intervention is recommended to massage, sports (gymnastics, aquatics sports), a healthy lifestyle and eating foods rich in fiber, vitamins, promotes muscle tissue. But the most important in the treatment of spinal diseases – is hard work sick, because much depends from himself!

16. June 2020 · Comments Off on Cholesterol · Categories: News · Tags: ,

The fact that cholesterol is necessary for an organism. It is a supplier of energy involved in the synthesis of certain hormones and vitamins, is a member of membranes of all body cells. Not the cholesterol is dangerous, as they say, is not knowledge of the subject, and its surplus. Besides that cholesterol enters the body through food, it is active, up to 70-80% of the volume produced by the liver, as well as many other organs. That increased the synthesis of cholesterol in the body can be the reason that even a strict diet is not conducive to lower cholesterol levels.

Through the body with blood cholesterol circulates in the so-called lipoproteins. They can be of different types. Of particular importance are lipoproteins with the low specific gravity (low density) lipoproteins and high specific gravity (high density). For simplicity, we call them as low-density cholesterol (CSV) and HDL (high density HsVP), although it is not quite correct from a scientific point of view. HsVP useful to man: it does not stick to blood vessels, does not constitute plaques.

It increases the rigidity and strength of blood vessels, making them less susceptible to rupture. Hence, reduces the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. But the CSV has all of the above negative qualities. Therefore, our task – if possible, reduce the number of CSV in favor of HsVP. Consumption of food animal fats increases the number of CSV. Of vegetable fats synthesized HsVP. Therefore, give preference to vegetable fats. But this does not mean that they can consume any number. Any fat The source of calories, which twice in protein or carbohydrates. Excess calories causes the body breaks down less than CSV, which serves as a supplier of energy. And the number of CSV in the blood will inevitably grow. That this did not happen, limit consumption of all fats, without exception, and move more, burning excess received from food calories. Smoking, alcohol to excess, as well as other toxicants can impair metabolism, which is why blood vessels are poorly permeable to lipoproteins. Because of this bad cholesterol is excreted from the body, its concentration in the blood increases, and far exceeds the norm. Refusal to addictions and detoxification of the body – a sure and effective way to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. I refer to the toxins and poisons so-called spiritual. Negative emotions cause vasospasm, increased blood pressure and increases the risk of ischemia. Therefore, I advise to maintain a good, optimistic mood. Doing something, often go out to you nice people who choose to Friends of optimists, read your favorite books, do not forget about theaters, concerts, walks in favorite places. Ask God for deliverance from evil thoughts, given that the ability to empathize with families. Physical labor can be combine for the benefit of themselves and people around them. You will feel the joy of life, love others and feel better

16. May 2020 · Comments Off on Polynesia Body · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Therapy Pinda Sweda naturally relaxes and gives a feeling of lightness and freedom, harmonizing the general condition of the body. Ayurvedic therapy Prana – life force. Therapy Prana – a unique technique of deep relaxation, an integral part Ayurvedic treatments. This ancient holistic massage energizes, heals and balances the entire human body – body, mind and emotions. Emotional and psychological disorders are the cause of disturbances in the body and may eventually become chronic. It is therefore important to find and maintain balance. Visit Doug McMillon for more clarity on the issue. The first step toward physical and emotional health – a balance of man. In carrying out the massage is applied special elixir of balance in life LuceAura, which gives state welfare body, mind and emotions, promotes cell oxygen saturation, increases the body's immunity.

Prana – a source of vitality and energy body. During this massage under the guidance of the wizard you will learn to breathe a certain way, that will calm the body, mind and emotions. Prana therapy with the elixir Luce Aura gives "breathing" (new life), brings ease and comfort. Michael J. Bender often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Prana therapy application makes it easy, with a vivid effect to achieve stable results in the programs of aesthetic face and body, improve your mood and the unaesthetic changes to remove the body (edema, obesity, cellulite), the cause of which – the daily fatigue and stress. Prana therapy promotes relaxation, recovery of all organs and systems of the body, increase immunity, detoxification and normalization metabolic processes. Massage is a day to maintain the overall condition of the body.

This is the only massage technique, which is assigned to postreabilitatsionny period to increase the internal strength of the body and enhancing recovery processes. It can be used not only in programs of aesthetic face and body, but during meditation, martial arts and therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Prana therapy is used in all aesthetic and therapeutic procedures for face and body. Therapy JamuthaiPolinesian – Princess Flower." Therapy Jamuthai was born a few thousand years ago in Polynesia and is still used in some regions of Indonesia and Polynesia. Therapy Jamuthai was used in ancient times the royal houses of. Java to prepare the bride for the wedding ceremony of King. Has therapy daily for 40 days, the women of the future princess of the family to spend time alone and to share with a young girl with his wisdom and experience, to convey proper upbringing of the future queen. Jamuthai Polinesian – elegant ritual of face and body, which allows you to reach deep sense of balance and tranquility, evokes sensuality. The unique technique is aimed at achieving a high aesthetic result. Has a powerful anti-cellulite and modeling effect, improves blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, relieves muscle tension, back pain, flexibility of joints. Jamuthai Polinesian – Therapy beauty and happiness to the skin. Polynesian salves, powders and oils on the basis of rare plants Orient improve color and texture skin, saturating it with oxygen and nutrients, a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effect in different types of aging. Enter the world of enchanting scents and unusual sensations Polynesia … Allow yourself the luxury worthy of a princess – beautiful body, radiant skin and great posture … Prepared beauty salon Beauty Shop Kiev downtown, Str. Zhilyans'ka, 55, (044) 537-06-90, (050) 469-68-06, Kiev, Rusanivka Boulevard, Davydov, 3, Tel.: (050) 355-95-49, (044) 295-51-61

16. May 2020 · Comments Off on Litovitov Body · Categories: News · Tags: ,

We no longer know how to lead a dangerous element to health, but the thing is in its numbers, the lack of too dangerous. Or other item – Zinc. Him and his number of independent normal immune system function, growth and child development, insulin synthesis, etc. If zinc overdose, his excessive concentration 30 times (!!!) increase the risk of cancer. Such a pattern is typical for all elements, even of such an element as calcium.

"Without calcium, the cell can not live … but when it is abundant it dies." (Physiologist Ivan Pavlov) Or another example, for residents of Chelyabinsk typical excess copper in the body, as well as cadmium and lead. A surplus of copper is always accompanied by a lack of zinc, manganese and calcium. Compensate for the lack of these elements without first removing the excess copper is simply impossible. At the same person without expensive testing can not be determine what lacking, and what is not. In the natural environment found 92 trace elements, of which discovered the body 81 and each of them carries a range of duties.

And how can that be? Is there a solution? Unique the ability to remove excess and produce the missing (selective ion exchange) has a natural mineral zeolite. Developed a whole series of products based on the zeolite under the title "LTL". LTL base in the main is designed for general cleaning of the body, others have a more narrow focus. LTL M – immune system; Lt K – help the heart; LTL about – helping the liver Lt. B – designed for women, Lt. B – are struggling with free radicals Lt. F – is for children LTL Y – help intimacy LTL – through the bowels here given a very brief appointment Litovitov. All food supplements LTL series of research results Institute of Nutrition, Committee on carcinogenic factors in the Russian Federation Ministry of Health are safe for the life of the human body. However, the safety of food supplements a series of LTL, in addition to standard Studies on the safety requirements of Sanitary Inspection, which are necessary for dietary supplements, have been studies on the safety requirements of the Pharmacological Committee of Ministry of Public Health. This means that the litas exposed studies, which are drugs before they are permitted for use in medical practice.

09. April 2020 · Comments Off on Fighting Cellulite · Categories: News · Tags: ,

That is why cellulite compared with orange peel and Causes of cellulite Cellulite – exclusively female problem, men have it practically does not occurs due to significant differences in the structure of connective tissue. In men, the connective tissue fibers tightly intertwined, forming a grid through which the fat cells can not penetrate. Therefore, for men more typical ‘beer belly’. A woman’s body is covered with the nature of the additional layer of adipose tissue, which gives it a feminine, rounded shape.

According to statistics, 8 out of 10 women suffer from cellulite. Cellulite formation can be forefinger. If this skin will resemble a ‘orange peel’, it indicates the initial stage of cellulite. The main causes of cellulite – hormonal changes and imbalances associated with adolescent period, pregnancy, menopause, use of hormonal preparations. In addition to the appearance of cellulite is influenced by smoking, alcohol, poor diet, high-heel shoes, stress, pollution environment and lack of physical activity. Fighting cellulite is not easy to fight against cellulite.

Stable results can be achieved only by using a set of measures: diet, sports, Use special cosmetic products in combination with massage. If at least one of these conditions are not met, the fight against cellulite may be ineffective. Therefore, besides the purchase of anti-cellulite need to balance your diet and increase physical activity. An important prerequisite is a sufficient intake of fluids to remove fission products from the body. Reduced elasticity and tone skin with age is another issue, which actively contributes to the appearance of cellulite. To avoid it, to care for potentially ‘dangerous’ areas, use the tools that support the skin tone and skin elasticity, such a collection of Ocean Algae. The effectiveness of cellulite is much higher at the stage of prevention, than on the stage of elimination. So if you have found the initial stage of cellulite, it is best to begin to deal with it now, ‘to then it was not painfully hurt … ‘ To combat cellulite Oriflame offers a new and effective means of a series of Perfect Body (‘ideal body’), with no contraindications. Complex anti-cellulite cellulite Beauty care includes several stages: Preparation: skin cleansing and exfoliation. Take a shower and thoroughly clean the skin with exfoliating cream (peeling) of the body, focusing on the areas, anti-cellulite cream in the deeper layers of the skin and thereby enhance their effectiveness. Anti-cellulite massage. Apply anti-cellulite gel to problem areas and massage your hands or a special massager rising in a circular motion until completely absorbed within 10-15 minutes on each side of the body. Massage increases the effectiveness of anti-cellulite gel exposure of 2-3. If you have any contraindications to massage (varicose veins, fragile capillaries, etc.), simply soak up the flavorful gel into the skin. Firming and skin tone. To make the skin taut and supple, once or twice a day using a special tonic lotion using specially designed for this purpose a collection of Ocean Algae extracts from ocean algae.

09. April 2020 · Comments Off on Plaster Bandage · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Polyurethane bandage ORTHOFORMA – a new quality of life for patients in need of temporary immobilization during treatment of injuries, broken bones, broken arms, sports injuries, ligament tears and other injuries musculoskeletal system. The advantages of synthetic bandage: 1.Maly weight (4-5 times lighter gypsum) at the expense of cellular, mesh struktury.2.Prochnost bandage can not break down under load, allowing the patient lead an active life, within medical restrictions. 3.Ne afraid of contact with water: you can bathe and swim in fresh water and sea water, "gypsum" hair dryer dries easily after kupaniya.4.Zagryazneniya the surface dressing can be remove wet gubkoy.5.Poristost synthetic "gypsum" contributes to the evaporation of moisture from the skin and prevents itching and matseratsii.6.Estetichnost dressings, a variety of shades of the material allows the patient to choose the desired color binta.Primenyaetsya:-GKB-Trauma-Emergency-MChSBint applied easily and quickly, has a stretch in all directions (longitudinal, transverse and diagonal), which allows bandage in perfectly with the body surface of bone protrusions, such as the patella, elbow, ankle, heel, without the formation of wrinkles or creases. A related site: Doug McMillon mentions similar findings. Retaining bandage made of bandages Orthoforma Cast – rentgenonekontrastnye. Making dressing: In imposing retaining bandage "Ortoformakast" must follow the rules. 1. Measure the desired length and put a stocking podshinovogo stocking on the affected area.

2. Dip the roller into the cold water, then squeeze it once. You will have 4-5 minutes to modeling bandages. To increase the cure time is not immerse the roll in the water, and soak after overlay, finished dressing with a damp sponge or spray water from the sprinkler ee. 3.Nalozhite polymer bandage in a spiral so that tours overlapped by half or two thirds of its width. To achieve the optimum strength bandage is sufficient to impose 2-3 layers. 4. Smooth the finished bandage his hands. Subjected to immobilized stress field can be 30 minutes.

05. April 2020 · Comments Off on Calcium · Categories: News · Tags: ,

The organism takes exactly as long as necessary, leaving little margin for every firefighter in the case of the bones and the spine, the rest of the calcium is not only the will, but will bring with him those salt deposits that we have accumulated in their joints and organs. He has no contraindications. It is made from natural ingredients without any chemical additions. And how is the product of kashirnym and halal, that is it can eat and Muslims and Jews, who have major limitations in food. For more specific information, check out Doug McMillon. Yes, that’s what more need be said.

Because calcium – is not only our skeletal system. Even not at all skeletal system. Our skeleton – it’s just a warehouse, which the body uses for lack of another source of replenishment. Functionally, calcium plays a different and far more important role. Abbreviations hands, feet, heart muscle – it’s calcium. And if you do happen from time to time seizures, hence, the body cries – not enough calcium.

Transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the organs – is also calcium. But most importantly, our cell does not let himself or in anything other than the calcium ion. And he, as a train, there nutrient imports substances and transports waste products. And if it is not enough? Then our cells remain hungry and dirty. And they, along with them and we are doomed. That’s when the body and begins to withdraw calcium from the bones. Then there is osteoporosis. You understand now that the lack of calcium – that most essential element for the life of the organism, connected more than hundred fifty diseases? And realize that consume it, not to court trouble, we must constantly? A where can I get it? We have. Order it in and you can buy online store at here you can read more about, and other recreational products Tianshi Corporation made, based on ancient Tibetan imperial recipes, many of which 5000 years. Not home-produced in a basement, a center of high technologies in China, the most modern technologies oborudovaniiamerikanskim. Calcium grateful that today the people of almost two hundred countries around the world.

04. April 2020 · Comments Off on Garcinia Food · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Many people believe that beauty – the most expensive equivalent of money. You may have heard from someone that beauty requires sacrifice, that beauty – is expensive. To acquire or retain a slim figure people have to use different methods to lose weight. Ways to get rid of extra pounds is enough. This diet, and shaping, gyms and swimming pools, but a lot more then. But not everyone can afford to go on a diet or do sports. The reasons for this may be a lot – be it health, lack of time or reluctance to be a banal physical stress and deprive himself of the pleasure a tasty meal. But there is an alternative to exhausting exercise and healthy eating tasteless vegetable.

This is a biologically active additives (BAA), which many have heard, but not everyone knows what this is. BAA – the composition of natural or identical to natural biologically active substances intended for direct reception with food, or the introduction of the food ration in order to enrich the individual food or biologically active substances and their complexes. This supplement is a capsule 'LiDa'. This drug has proven effective in Japan, the USA and Europe. With the caps' LiDa'mozhno lose weight by 8-10 kg per month, without wasting time on heavy exercise and not torturing myself grueling diet. Capsules can get rid of excess pounds without the stress and anguish, with the help of herbal ingredients of the drug. The drug is based on pahima coconut, plants grown in the province Yunnan. For millennia, this beautiful plant was known to the Chinese healers as a way that reduces body fat. Also in the capsule include fiber Ganchzhu, gelatin powder Guaer, sweet fibers Tszyugan (from plants amorfofallyus brandy, Jerusalem artichoke), purple drug alfalfa, fruit Cola plant Garcinia family, the flower tsyaozhuy, fruit Gualatszya, golden tangerine, pumpkin – calabash, which suppress appetite and the feeling of satiety, burning fat at the same time. Capsules 'LiDa' help you lose weight without dieting and hard training, and help keep the body fit and beautiful.

25. January 2020 · Comments Off on Cellulite · Categories: News · Tags:

WHAT IS CELLULITE? Cellulite is not a health problem. Recently Doug McMillon sought to clarify these questions. It is an accumulation of fat in the epidermis, usually on the buttocks and thighs highlands. It is more common in women by genetic and hormonal reasons, and in past centuries these accumulations, which gave women a mature appearance and were symbols of maternal health and were considered an added value, admired by men and envied by women. On this basis, we can accept it or not, willing or not cellulite, but without losing sight of that cellulite is a “problem” only if we or us causes insecurity. You may wish to learn more. If so, Larry David is the place to go. If we can feel good about our bodies is not necessary to deal with “her.” “How to deal? Formations accumulated fat under the skin are difficult to dissolve, and a diet is not enough to undo. It is necessary to use topical treatments that help the solution from the dermis. The exercise focused on muscle affected is of great help (glutus exercises is not enough to walk or running).

And consider also is necessary to accompany the treatment with diuretics and minerals that help in the activation of the micro-circulation. “CMO PREVENT As after any diet, we recommend a good diet, daily exercise (it is better to prevent such as walking several miles a day or running 10 minutes) and the help of a diuretic to prevent fluid accumulation. ALOE VERA AND THE CELLULITE CREAM WITH ALOE VERA ANTICELULTICA cellulite creams with aloe vera are specially formulated to remove fatty lumps do not disappear with a diet. Power muscle tissue growth at the expense of fatty tissue, acting as a mobilizer of cellulite nodules. Apply this gel daily in the affected area with intense combat cellulite massage in a natural and progressive. ANTI-STRESS CREAM WITH ALOE VERA A cream with aloe vera is essential in the process of elimination of cellulite, since the skin, after eliminating the cellulite must change in size, made smaller, if not help in this process the formation of stretch marks will be inevitable, especially in mature skin, as cell regeneration is particularly slow. ALOE VERA drunk the necessary support from within the body is provided by the ingestion of aloe vera.

Remember your safety is like a fruit juice. The agency will not notice any chemical element or strange in its composition because it is not a medicine, is a food. But its composition, rich in minerals, amino acids and enzymes in particular, will help in the digestion of fats and the elimination of liquids. Facilitate cellular regeneration of skin and muscle and penetration of the gels to the deepest parts of the epidermis.

16. January 2020 · Comments Off on Useful Properties Of Bani · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Sauna, Russian steam bath – one of the best ways to reduce fatigue, relax and rejuvenate after a hard work, both physical and umstvennoy.Poleznye properties bath Influenced by hot steam improves physical well-being, sleep, appetite is reduced or disappears entirely emotional stress, or disappear depressive disorders. Benefits of steam baths, saunas for the vast majority of people is undeniable. Warming up leads to a beneficial change in the functional state of organs and body systems, increase metabolism, contributes to the development of protective and compensatory mechanisms. This is explained by the favorable impact of of heat and sweating on the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary, endocrine system and the thermo-regulating in most people. Bath improves the skin, soothes nervous system, restores vitality, improves mental ability. (Similarly see: Walmart CEO). Bath, sauna helps to relax perfectly, vostonavlivatsya after serious physical activity (sports or heavy physical labor).

Recently, the pair are increasingly beginning to be used to improve physical and mental health, prevention of various diseases. Doctors believe it is important to the habit of visiting the sauna (sauna) dates back to childhood, has become an integral part of right living. Dangerous enemy of health is obesity. In the prevention and treatment of this disease (as a disease!) You can use a bath, combining it with a visit unloading diet and / or with active pursuits fizkulturoy.Komu not sweating bath, sauna, great benefit to most people, but there are some contraindications to its visit, and some lying in wait opastnostey unwary bathers. Remember them to get from the sauna is not harmful, but for the benefit zdorovya.Kak properly steam bathhouse procedure – is a science with its own rules and laws. Only strictly observing them, you get from visiting the sauna a real pleasure and benefit. Pay attention to the peculiarities of the Russian bath and a Finnish sauna, steam them in need for a bath raznomu.Venik Broom – a key element of the hovering, particularly in the Russian bath.

Broom can be made from various plants, each of them has their own, unique to the organism. It is important to prepare properly and on time and skillfully use a broom to them. Additional benefits of saunas provide medicinal plants that enhance the therapeutic, healing effect sauna. As is known in medicine for a quick introduction into the body of drugs used by aerosols. The medicine is sprayed into air, it enters the lungs and the bloodstream immediately. In the steam room, 'Misled' on the rocks infusions of various plants, just to give curative sprays.