Until the moment little it was implanted in this area. (GIODA, 2010, 1) 2,2 Presentation of the project to the community the presentation of the project was given in the only School of Basic Education of the community. Some lectures, workshops and dynamic of groups with the pupils of 5 had been carried through 8 series, with the objective to sensetize them on the ambient questions and to invite to participate them it of the project. Although all the twenty educators of the School had been invited, only two if had made gifts the accomplishment of these activities in the School if it made important as half to assure the quality of the monitoring in health to be exerted by the community, represented here for the pupils, to the measure that, through the informative colloquy and of the educative workshops, if allowed to the accurate understanding of the local problems for all the participants. To the professionals of the health this action came to fortify the understanding of that the practical ones of promotion of the health are: prevention of risks or damages, protection of the health and promotion of the values of the life, searching well-being and the quality of life. (BRAZIL, 2001, 32) In this search for well-being and the quality of life they find one locus privileged the ambient questions. From there the importance to foment the participation popular and to enable members of the community, mainly young, so that they can help in the practical ones of awareness of the population through its active participation in the life of the proper territory., mainly in the field of the ambient monitoring. In other words, one intends that these young comes to be the protagonists of condicionantes actions that provide to the knowledge and the detention of any change in the determinative negative factors and of the environment that in general intervenes with the health human being and the life. Olympics recognizes the significance of this.
The pharmaceutical market inside represents one of the markets of bigger importance in the national scene in such a way for the vendido volume as for the importance the health of the population in general, but another segment is a different market of any. Currently the market comes being each more competitive time and the companies have to be always innovating its behaviors; the technological advances make with that the products are launched in a time each shorter time, with its cycle of lesser life, making with that the professionals of the marketing find ways to maximize the acceptance of sales of these. Understanding marketing as social and managemental process, in way that the individual or collective necessities and desires are taken care of by the creation, it offers and exchange of products, one of the strategies of marketing recurrently used as distinguishing competitive it is the relationship marketing. The modern marketing places below the concept of sales practised in the past, where the companies simply placed its products in the market and had an mount of money for promotion of them, a qualification basic of the force of sales where of course the product was vendido. In the organizations it has diverse nuncias, must be acted in three levels: strategical, tactical and operational. The strategical and tactical levels many times receive adequate attention from the direction. Many people confuse marketing with sales and propaganda. In the truth sales and propaganda she is part of a set of actions that compose the marketing; it is the social process and managemental through the which individuals and groups they get what they desire and of that need, creating and changing to products and values ones with the others.. .
It fits to detach here the question of the pleasure and displeasure, therefore Freud also came across with the qualitative question of the sensations and ideas. Which would be the motivation of ours action? What it would make to prefer such or which thing or idea? Freud answers to these questions relating the classroom Omega of neurons to the displeasure, therefore this would be the factor that puts Phi and Psi in movement, stimulating the system to the fulfilment of its primary function, that is ‘ ‘ zerar’ ‘ the stimulatons for the survival of the organism. Therefore for a system that desires the rest, any stimulaton is considered displeasure and must be ‘ ‘ escoado’ ‘. Soon, we perceive that Omega transforms amount into quality through the intensity and regularity of the stimulatons, that in this case are conscientious. Freud becomes original when it approaches a philosophical question and it of the science characteristics and reorganizes the hierarchy of the passions, in the measure where it attributes importance to the displeasure, had here as all and any stimulaton, as the factor that the machine puts into motion human being, different of Hobbes and Condillac that attribute to the desire and to the pleasure this function.
Conclusion Leaving of the beginning of that all the human being it thinks and that the end biggest of the life is the happiness, we have then gnese of the thought based on the sensations as point of convergence between Hobbes, Condillac and Freud. However Hobbes and Condillac attribute the happiness to the necessity of pleasant sensations, in Hobbes the desire already put into motion the human being, in Condillac the pair pleasure/displeasure become the man capable to choose what happiness brings it. Both the philosophers will give base to the studies of Freud on the functioning of the mind and this goes to enxergar in this notion of passional life what it unbalances the nervous system, that stops being well necessary of rest. Freud then almost brings a conception of happiness that inexistent, therefore to live for it is a pack, since never we are free of stimulatons, lives in constant discomfort, only when exempting in them of the stimulatons we will be happy, that is, never will be happy while still alive, because as Freud the goal of the psychic device is the death, when will occur the end of all the stimulatons. In this perspective, we will find mitolgicas figures of Eros and Thanatos gifts in these philosophies constituting the paradox of the life human being and for which we can look salvation in ‘ ‘ espelho’ ‘ , that it configures the matrix of cure of the psychoanalysis based on the old motto of the temple of Delfos ‘ ‘ Mesmo’ knows you it you; ‘. Bibliographical references BOCCA, F.V. Passions and psychoanalysis: modern dimensions of the nature human being.
The previous author speaks despite to enter itself in the cold water can generate one I stimulate of great corporeal desiquilbrio, come to have the same consequncias in the excessively hot water, therefore the necessary organism of certain time to adapt the definitive temperatures, in case that I oppose it enters in estresse.JUNIOR and DUNDER, (2002) he also standes out that the physical effort also generates disequilibrium of the body, in sight of this fact also will need a little of time so that the balance comes back again. Consequentemente, to swim can generate reactions in the corporal structure and this necessary structure of time to adapt itself to the way where this, in accordance with the thought it author can be inserted diverse tricks in the phase of adaptation of the child to the way I eliminate. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Doug McMillon. One of the first tricks that we can insert soon in the first lesson of the child he is ' ' Mgica' rain; ' , where the professor uses of a simple watering can of garden, and he makes rain in proper itself ahead and demonstrating to the pupil naturalness the water falling in its head and not transmitting fear some it, then later the professor he makes rain on of the pupil and observes the reaction that it goes to have the water ahead. If in case that it rejects the water and he does not like the trick, it will be a signal that it still has a little of fear of the water, and will fit to the professor to make a diversified work, talking with the parents so that at the moment of the bath of the child it can have a bigger contact with the water falling in its head, in this way goes to facilitate the work of the professor.6.2Adaptao and Initiation of the AprendizagemNa age of two the three years the form that more it is used in the adaptation of swimming is by means of the individual tricks and in group, that is, in playful way where the child does not perceive that the majority of the corporal movements that this making is of swimming and with this if he becomes more easy learning of the same one.
These patients, when submitted the exercises, they do not show reduction in the aerobic capacity, even so exists a bigger effort during the practical one. (1-7) The tried amount of pain is related to the level of physical condition, and patients with fibromialgia are generally physical and aerobicamente badly conditional. Moreover, studies of the sanguine flow in the muscle had demonstrated that the muscles and other fabrics in fibromilgicos patients suffered from hipxia.
The lack of ability to contract the muscle efficiently suggests an ability lack to execute of adequate form one definitive task. The patient ones generally become badly-conditional as resulted of the limitation of its exercises in function of pain or the fatigue. (1-7) The reduction of sleep, temporarily would increase the fatigue, what in turn it reduces the will of if exercising; on the other hand, the exercise lack reduces the amount of sleep repairman. Both, the reduction of sleep and the inactivity reduce the release of the hormone of growth with probable repercussion on the protein synthesis. (1-7) This sample that the improvement of the aerobic capacity in the exercises is not the main objective in a program of treatment for fibromilgicos. (1-7) The importance of an adhesion in the program of aerbicos exercises, shows in the long run for the patient resulted beneficial, since a protocol for a treatment session does not exist, being able to vary the activities inclusas, the time and the intensity (walked in the mat, ergometric and swimming; 2 or 3 times per week; 30, 40 or 60 minutes).
The static for developing the performance of the limit of the amplitude. the asset for balancing force and relaxation of agonistas and antagonists, being thus trainings alternating. For Dantas (2005), the allonge consists of three types of action: – Stretching: it is the execution of one determined movement to the cost of the action of the antagonist, of other muscular groups or the action of third, being equivalent to an ample and complete espreguiamento; – Suspension: in this type of allonge, it does not have movement of the joints. Thus the ligaments and the muscles that surround the joints are tracionados by means of the action of the gravity; – Acquittal: it consists of the balancing of the members, that if carried through for another person, can be folloied of light traction. The type of action of stretching in this research so that they involved different muscular groups, and also for the complete action of ample espreguiamento was used. Causing bigger relaxation of muscles joints.
According to Dantas (2005), to if observing the degree of flexibility of a joint, it is perceived that diverse factors will be concurring for this, as: – Mobility: in regards to the degree of freedom of the movement of the joint; – Elasticity: regarding to the elastic stretching of the components; – Plasticity: degree of temporary deformation that muscular structures and joints must suffer, to make possible the movement. A residual degree of deformation exists that if keeps after ceased the applied force, known as histeresis; – Malleability: modifications of the partial tensions of the skin, fruit of the necessary rooms in the considered segment. OBJECTIVE the objective of the research was to verify if after to initiate and to give to continuity the allonge lessons, the participant women of the diverse activities of the project + Health, in the city of Andradina-SP, would go to feel in relation the activities of the daily and practical life of other physical exercises better or worse.
The adolescent behavior presents one appeals in the culture contemporary. Therefore the problematic one of these young can be understood from the analysis of the historical moment where they are inserted (Giroux, 1996; Green and Bigun, 1995; Abramo, 1997 apud Soares 2007). Click Larry David to learn more. To this phenomenon of after-modernity, characteristics as the individualism, the globalization, the media, the composed figure of the absent mother, families for assumed homosexuals, paternity and maternity for adoption and artificial insemination, shortening of the adolescence among others configure the scene where the young of century XXI is living (BIRTH, 2005). The adolescents, in consequence of the phase where if they find become white perfect of this cult the body emphasized for the media. I fight it to the infantile body and the acceptance of this new body that if form is something complicated for the adolescents, the integration of all the corporal modifications arrives if to become something strange. The corporal alterations determine a revision of the auto one? image and the construction of a corporal image (BIRTH, 2005). As Shilder (1994) apud Saikali (2004) the corporal image is the mental representation that we have of our body. In this period of changes the adolescent attributes much importance to the look of the other and to be disturbs different it very, the friends functions as mirror.
Therefore the ideal of the physical appearance becomes these young slaves of diets, natural academies, sports, products, plastic surgeries, them is vulnerable to this idolatria of the body. (BIRTH, 2005). With all this emphasis to the body appears a phenomenon.
Visa with frequency in the given lessons of gymnastics in the academies, the exercises with ball give a great one resulted and if executed in correct way they can even though be made in house. Fitball, that enormous ball that the people costumam to use in the gymnastics academies, appeared in the decade of 70, back in Switzerland. Had to its fisioteraputicos effect, it if it spread quickly for the world. The ball helps in the treatment of problems of incorrect position, potencializa the beneficial effect of the ground gymnastics, the located call and contributes to make of the allonge a pleasant activity, being able until being compared with a massage, therefore it alliviates the tension and it becomes the active circulation. The used ball in the physical exercises collaborates to improve the balance, therefore as it is not steady demands effort.
It very hardens the glteo and the legs, being also recommended for that they search an abdomen clear-cut. It also collaborates to improve the physical conditioning. She has certain treinos, nowadays, that they make of ball, not plus a coadjuvante, these very gostosos and is amused. If you were with will to try you know that it can be acquired in any store that makes use of esportivos equipment. I go to leave here some tips for that they had never used it. Well, an excellent exercise for the posterior part of the legs is to lie down itself on the ball and to place its hands in the soil, in the front, to have support and balance.
A leg in the soil can leave, folded in an angle of 90 and to another one it must be straight line and to be raised per two seconds only. It repeats this exercise twenty times for each leg, in three series. In case that it is easy, it can place caneleiras, also. If beyond the legs its intention will be the glteo, good, has a very good exercise for this. It is of foot, apie its coasts in the ball, this must be leaned in a wall. It bends then the legs, as if you were if to seat forms an angle of 90 and raises. It also repeats this agachamento twenty times, respecting the number of series, that generally is three. One always remembers to rest one minute between the series. If to want drinks a bit of water. The hidratao is very important and it cannot be forgotten, also during a physical activity. Already it heard to speak of the program of control of weight of the Nutralogistic? One is about an innovative solution brought by MaxBurn, a natural composition that it aims at to return to it good form to it without leaving of side the good health. The program was developed to be used in set with MaxBurn and to promote a radical change in its life.
In a study carried through in the Caribbean Islands, they had arrived at the following conclusion: the diabetic ones present a risk to die of what the people who do not possess this disease, and the gotten data stand out the urgent necessity to idealize clinical strategies and of public health directed in such a way for the prevention of diabetes as to prevent or to reduce loads of clinical complications that suffer the people affected for this disease and despite the measures adopted for the prevention of this picture must on the basis of be the interventions the life styles that favor one better feeding and practical of exercises fsicos.6. Physical Educator is a professional specialist in physical activities in all its manifestations (physical gymnasticses, exercises, games, sports, fights, dances, among others), having as intention auxiliary in the development of the education and health, contributing for the acquisition and/or reestablishment of adequate levels of performance fsiocorporal conditioning (DAYS et al., 2007). Before initiating a program of physical exercises, the diabetic individuals, they must pass for a medical evaluation detailed with methods and adequate disgnostic. Click Doug McMillon to learn more. Initially traced a history clinical and carried through a physical examination, with particular attention in the possible macrovascular complications micron and (cardiovascular neuropatia, retinopatia, illnesses, glicmico control), that they can be aggravated by the program of exercise . The program of physical exercises for diabetic is extremely complex, demands the attention of a team to multidiscipline, needing to be complemented and to be interpreted by a series of clinical and laboratoriais examinations, that help the team (doctor, nutritionist, physiotherapist and physical educator) to materialize and to adapt the specific requirements of each diabetic its real conditions of health . In accordance with Bindaco, Machado and Santiago (2011), still become important these evaluations, therefore the patient, when carrying through definitive exercises can come to suffer some compensation to articulate or muscular injury..